Is honey good for dogs with seizures? Essential Tips

Use of Acupuncture Treatment in Treating Dog Seizures

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that uses needles to relieve pain in specific body points.

According to acupuncturists, illnesses occur when there is a barrier or imbalance in someones energy. Thus, needles are placed in affected areas to clear these blockages.

Depending on which area the needle penetrates, it enhances the bodys blood circulation, nervous system activity, anti-inflammatory function, and more.

Aside from using needles, acupuncturists also use pressure in the same principle. However, this form of treatment is now called acupressure.

Veterinarians who have received special training in this field use acupuncture or acupressure as complementary medicines. This sort of therapy will aid in the prevention and shortening of future epileptic episodes.

However, keep in mind that you should avoid these treatments while the dog is experiencing seizures.

#4: Eggs

Dogs suffering from seizures also need to eat eggs as part of their diet as they are an excellent source of proteins and minerals.

However, besides that, eggs also contain docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and glutamate. These substances are essential for improving brain development and memory.

However, you must be conscious of the amount of glutamate your dog is consuming. If digested in excessive amounts, your dog might suffer from Alzheimers and Parkinsons Disease in the future.

Seizures in Dogs: Types, Causes, and Symptoms

Like humans, seizures in dogs are due to an increase in electrical activity in the cerebral cortex. Several reasons cause it, and some of them are heat exhaustion, nutritional imbalance, and ingested poison.

During a typical seizure episode, the animal loses consciousness and falls on their body, before they start trembling and drooling. The convulsion may stop after a few minutes, but it may also come back.

The animal will usually be tired and bewildered after the incident, but they may also go momentarily blind. Consequently distressing and hurting the pet owner emotionally.

On the other hand, there are different types of seizures, and your dog from more than one type. It may even come as a surprise to you that not all of these types involve body convulsions.

First on the list is the Grand mal seizures or “generalized” seizures. This type of seizure gets triggered by irregular electrical activity in the brain and can persist for a few seconds to a few minutes.

Subsequently, focal seizures are similar to grand mal seizures. However, they only affect a particular side or area of the dogs brain, eventually progressing to a grand mal seizure.

In contrast, psychomotor seizures do not involve body convulsions. Instead, it consists of strange behaviors such as erratically running around or excessively chasing their tail.

In psychomotor seizures, it might be difficult to tell if your dog is behaving funny or not. But when theyre having an episode, they display the same strange behaviors repeatedly.

Lastly, idiopathic epilepsy refers to seizures for which there is no recognized cause. These kinds are more common in dogs aged six months to six years.

A seizure can manifest itself in various ways. Thus, if your dog appears to be suffering from one, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Dog Seizure Diet