Popping Cyst On Dog

Should You Pop Your Dog’s Cyst? No, please do not pop it. Squeezing the cyst can force its contents into the surrounding tissue, where it sets up a foreign body reaction, resulting in swelling and inflammation.

What Are Sebaceous Cysts in Dogs?

A cyst in general is an abnormal growth. What makes a sebaceous cyst unique are its contents. All dogs have sebaceous glands in their bodies that open into a hair follicle. Each canine sebaceous gland secretes a substance called sebum that lubricates their hair.

Sebaceous glands are located all over your dog’s body and are also called sweat glands. You might have heard that brushing your dog regularly is good for his skin and coat. This is true because as you brush your dog, the sebaceous gland releases keratin oils to moisturize his skin. Pretty amazing, right?

Sebaceous glands can be found in large numbers near the paws, back of the neck, elbows, hips, head, near the butt, chin, and tail area. As you might imagine, these are also prime locations for sebaceous cysts to form. When those hair follicles get blocked, oil secretions can build up.

When the oil secretions have nowhere to go, the gland gets blocked and a sebaceous cyst can form. These cysts can vary in size from small to large and as they fill and grow, eventually they may burst.

Most sebaceous cysts are benign but they can be a sign of an underlying condition or something more serious, such as cancer. If the sebaceous cyst is in an area that gets a lot of movement, your dog may burst it on his own during regular activity.

What Causes A Sebaceous Cyst On Dogs?

When the dog’s hair follicle is blocked or compromised, sebum builds up. Any number of things can cause a blocked follicle, including:

  • Canine genetics
  • Some breeds have more sebum or oil production than others, such as Cocker Spaniels
  • Trauma to the area
  • Skin infection
  • Scar tissue
  • Allergic reaction (including topical chemical flea preventatives and treatments)
  • Hormonal imbalance (have his thyroid checked and a blood panel performed)
  • Clogged gland from lack of brushing, shampooing, or both
  • Insect bite
  • Follicle irritation from grooming
  • Once your veterinarian confirms the diagnosis of a sebaceous cyst, the true cause is from a clogged gland. What caused the clogged gland can be any number of things, as indicated above.

    How do you get rid of a cyst on a dog?

    The most common treatment for cysts is surgical removal. If available, laser treatment is useful for sweat gland cysts. Medical (topical) treatment of multiple small follicular cysts may be helpful. Other treatments may be needed to address the primary (or underlying) causes.


    What to do after popping a cyst on a dog?

    If the cyst ulcerates (opens), it will need to be kept clean and your pet may require a protective bandage over the area until it heals. After surgery, the incision site needs to be kept clean and dry and your pet should not be allowed to interfere with the site.

    What happens if you pop a sebaceous cyst on a dog?

    What is this? Trying to pop a sebaceous cyst can help spread its contents even further into the tissue around the area. The result can be inflammation, swelling, and infection.

    How can I drain my dogs cyst at home?

    Use a compress (could be a sterile facecloth) and soak it in the water. Gently twist the compress to remove some of the water and then place it on the dog’s cyst. In some cases, a warm compress applied to the area two or three times a day may help soften the skin. This may allow the cyst to gently drain.

    Should I pop the lump on my dog?

    Do not try to pop a cyst on your dog. More often than not a sebaceous cyst will go away on its own either by shrinking away or popping in its own time and releasing a white, pasty substance.