Pyrantel Pamoate Overdose Puppy

Acute Toxicity and Tolerance of Pyrantel

  • Pyrantel tartrate is more soluble in water than pyrantel pamoate. Consequently absorption of the tartrate into blood is higher, which results in a higher toxicity.
  • LD50 acute, rats, p.o. tartrate ~170 mg/kg
  • LD50 acute, rats, p.o. pamoate=embonate >5000 mg/kg
  • LD50 acute, mice, p.o. tartrate ~170 mg/kg
  • LD50 acute, dog, p.o. pamoate=embonate >690 mg/kg
  • As a general rule, due to its low gastrointestinal absorption both pets and livestock tolerate pyrantel pamoate very well.
  • The safety margin of pyrantel pamoate is ~15, in cattle and ~20 in horses.
  • Calves tolerate a max. of 200 mg/kg. Calves treated with pyrantel tartrate at a dose >200 mg/kg showed ataxia (uncoordinated movements).
  • Horses too tolerate pyrantel pamoate better than the pyrantel tartrate. Animals tolerated 75 mg/kg pyrantel tartrate well, but at 100 mg/kg 2 out of 3 animals died.
  • In dog studies for sub-chronic toxicity, animals treated at 20 mg/kg/day during 3 months didnt show toxic symptoms, but at 50 mg/kg/day they showed symptoms of intoxication.
  • Kittens 4 to 6 weeks old treated at 300 mg/kg/day during 3 days did not show clinical symptoms.
  • Toxic Symptoms caused by Pyrantel Poisoning

    Most frequent intoxication symptoms are cholinergic:

  • Tachycardia (accelerated heart rate)
  • Salivation (drooling)
  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomit
  • Tremor (uncoordinated trembling or shaking movements)
  • Convulsions
  • Excitation
  • Ataxia (uncoordinated movements)
  • How Dispensed:

    Tablets, capsules, chewable tablets, liquid suspension, and paste


    Can puppies overdose on pyrantel?

    Pyrantel pamoate can be toxic when given regularly over a period of months. If you suspect an overdose or an adverse reaction to the medication, call your veterinary office immediately.

    How much pyrantel do I give my puppy?

    DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION: Administer 1 teaspoon (5 mL) for each 10 lb of body weight. It is not necessary to withhold food prior to or after treatment. Dogs usually find this dewormer very palatable and will lick the dose from the bowl willingly.

    What happens if you overdose on pyrantel?

    Symptoms of overdose may include: severe muscle spasms/twitching/weakness or severe trouble breathing. Some types of worm infections can be easily spread among family members or people living within the same household. It is important for family members to be checked even if they do not have symptoms.

    How much pyrantel should I feed my 2 pound puppy?

    Symptoms of overdose may include: severe muscle spasms/twitching/weakness or severe trouble breathing. Some types of worm infections can be easily spread among family members or people living within the same household. It is important for family members to be checked even if they do not have symptoms.