Should dogs paw pads be pink? Tips and Tricks

What Color Should a Dog’s Paws Be?

Newborn pups have pink paw pads that change color with use, which means a lot of walking. Over their first six months, a puppy’s paw pads gradually turn black from running around. The blackened areas represent tougher layers of skin to protect the tender, sensitive pink layers.

The process isn’t always comfortable for your furry companion. Think of it like developing calluses on your hands, it takes a lot of time and effort to build up resistance.

Of course, every dog is different, and a lot depends on the surfaces they walk and run on. Grass is easier on paw pads than cement or gravel.

Many dogs always have some pink parts on their paws. The pink areas represent the most sensitive parts on their paw pads and the most susceptible to injury.

Should dogs paw pads be pink?

A Brief Explanation of a Dog’s Paw Pads

Before we talk about why a dog’s paws might be pink, it’s important to understand the basics of canine paw pads.

Paw pads are the leathery areas next to a dog’s toes. Dogs have four digital paw pads per foot, along with a larger metacarpal pad further up the foot.

These leathery sections are epidermis skin layers, similar to the skin on human feet. Dogs also have a deeper layer of fatty tissue below the skin, which insulates against cold surfaces.

Dogs rely on paw pads to give them traction, protect their feet against hot and cold, and walk safely on rough terrain. Pads also provide shock absorption to protect the hip and knee joints.

Paw pads even prevent bacteria from being absorbed into the blood from the floor.

In other words, healthy paw pads are essential for your dog’s wellbeing! An injury or change in the appearance of your dog’s pads is never something you should ignore.

Should dogs paw pads be pink?

Seek Veterinary Advice for Any Paw Problem

As you can tell from the list above, pink paws can have various causes. Therefore, the correct treatment depends on the underlying issue.

For this reason, you should always take your dog to the vet if you notice an issue with their paws. Don’t try to diagnose or treat the problem yourself.

How to Sooth Pink, Irritated Dog Paws : Pet Health

Dogs’ paw colors vary depending on your dog’s age, breed, and where your pets have been walking. Young puppies may have very pink paw pads, which change with age and become darker. Discolouring can also occur due to grass stains. Most owners don’t regularly check their dogs’ paws, so it can be hard to tell whether changes have occurred.

This article will answer the question, ‘what color should a dog’s paw pad be?’ We’ll tell you what caused color variations and why your pet’s paw pads may have become discolored.