Should homeless have dogs? Find Out Here

Can homelesspeople take care of their pets?

It is a common misconception that homeless people can’t take care of their pets. As an expert and huge advocate for keeping homeless and their pets together, we can assure that people experiencing homelessness love their pets and will always find ways to provide for them. As a matter of fact, a homeless pet owner would rather sleep on the street than choose a bed in a shelter that doesn’t allow pets.

When it comes to owning a pet, people experiencing homelessness are not much different than people who are housed: they love their furry companions, take good care of them, and treat them as family. So, next time you see a homeless person and their pet on the street, put your worries to the rest, the pet is well cared for.

Should homeless have dogs?

Why do homeless people need pets?

Being homeless is one of the most difficult challenges someone can face. For most homeless pet owners, their pet is the only solace they have in this harsh world.

Many studies show that having a pet decreases the use of drugs and alcohol as well other high-risk behaviour.

Animal companionship is extremely important in people’s lives – it gives them a sense of purpose, and also teaches them responsibility and accountability.

Should homeless have dogs?

What are the Biggest Problems Homeless Pet Owners Face?

Sadly, pet ownership can sometimes stand in the way of a homeless person finding shelter or receiving low-income housing solutions. Many homeless people must make the decision between abandoning their pet in exchange for a warm bed in a shelter or remaining cold and uncomfortable on the streets but with their pet. When faced with these options, most homeless pet owners choose to remain on the streets with their dog or cat.

In recent years, some shelters have made their facilities pet-friendly to allow pet owning homeless people to remain with their fave canine or feline friend while enjoying a warm and comfortable place to stay.

Why Should Homeless Have Dogs?

Sadly, homelessness is on the rise in our country. With costs becoming higher and higher and stable employment challenging to find, many people are forced to take their belongings and try to make it on the streets. Still, when it comes to things to leave behind, homeless people are resolute that though some things aren’t necessary for life on the street, their pets are an absolute necessity. Research indicates that homeless people would prefer to sleep outdoors with their pets than take refuge in a shelter if their pets are not permitted to be inside with them. If homeless people can’t take care of their own financial needs, should homeless people have pets?