Should I be worried if my dog ate a tissue? Simple and Effective Tips

Paper Towels vs. Kleenex vs. Toilet Tissue

Should I be worried if my dog ate a tissue?

Most Kleenex or tissue paper that people use on their noses are of a similar density and weight as toilet tissue used in the bathroom. Paper towels can be thicker, larger, and denser. All three are usually made using very similar ingredients. Usually, when consumed, any of the three will be shredded before ingestion.

Because paper towels have a thicker density, they may be more harmful to dogs. It really depends on if the paper was shredded, how much was consumed, and how big your dog is. Larger dogs have bigger intestinal tracts and can pass things differently. This means a Mastiff may have an easier time passing toilet paper than a Chihuahua. Paper towels can pose a slightly higher risk for obstruction depending on the density of the paper towel ingested.

Regardless of which type of paper product your dog consumed, you’ll need to follow the same steps. Paper Towels are more well known for causing bowel obstructions than other paper products, but all three warrant an immediate call to the vet.

Step 4: Follow Your Vet’s Instructions

Your vet might ask you to come to the clinic for an examination. This is especially true if your canine companion is small and has eaten a large amount of paper towel, or if they are showing symptoms. However, it is more likely that your vet will give you a list of symptoms to look out for. These symptoms may include vomiting or inappetence. They will also likely ask you to call back if your pet becomes unwell.

My Dog Just Ate Paper. What’s Next?

Should I be worried if my dog ate a tissue?

Let’s start off by stating the obvious. If your pup consumed any type of paper product, you need to contact your veterinarian immediately. Foreign objects of any kind can cause bowel obstructions, especially when the object is not something your dog can digest.

If you are worried and wondering what you should do, follow the steps below, in an effort to make sure that there’s no long term damage to your canine companion.

What To Do If Your Dog Ate A Paper Towel (Or Toilet Paper)

Accidental ingestion is one of the most common emergencies at Tier 1. Whether your pet consumes an indigestible object or a toxic substance, please bring them to the vet as soon as possible. Early intervention can prevent a potentially life-threatening situation.

If your pet ingests something like a sock, part of a toy, or some other type of fabric or plastic that may get stuck in the lower intestine, we encourage you to get your pet to the vet as soon as possible. In some cases, it’s possible for your vet to induce emesis — or vomiting — before the object gets stuck in the lower intestines. In other cases, your vet may monitor the object’s progression through the intestine and proceed to surgery if that is the necessary course of action.

Some animal GI experts argue that dogs eat socks and underwear because of an underlying GI issue such as a food allergy or intolerance. There is likely a behavioral component to the act of consuming fabric as well. Just like some dogs like the chew and eat sticks, others enjoy socks. The issue with animals eating fabric is that textiles are not able to be broken down and passed through the digestive system like a stick. Depending on the size of your dog and the size of the sock, they may be able to vomit it back up or eventually pass it through their excretions. Smaller dogs have more difficulty passing non-digestible objects. In this case, your vet may use an endoscope to remove the object, or they may have to perform surgery.

As a general rule of thumb, don’t leave socks, underwear, cloth napkins, or other fabric items out for your dog to get into. Your dog’s safety can be great motivation to keep your bedroom and laundry room tidy!

Similar to fabric, plastic objects can also cause complications when accidentally ingested by your pet. Since toys or other plastic objects are generally less malleable than a sock, they are more likely to become lodged within your pet’s mouth, throat, or esophagus. This creates a choking hazard. If your pet has a habit of chewing vigorously on their toys, only allow them to play with those toys under supervision. If you have children who play with blocks, toy cars, or other small knick-knacks, make a habit of cleaning them up after use.

In addition to your pet ingesting foreign objects, accidental ingestion of toxic substances also presents complications. Some of the most common toxicities that we see are raisins, THC products, human pharmaceuticals, mushrooms, and chocolate.

Sometimes people think that grapes or raisins are a fun, bite-sized treat for their pet. In reality, they are toxic. Although the substance in grapes and raisins that makes them toxic to dogs is not confirmed, we do know that consuming them can be potentially fatal. Canine ingestion of grapes or raisins causes kidney damage and can result in the following symptoms:

The severity of reactions varies greatly between dogs depending on their tolerance. Instead of raisins or grapes, try rewarding your dog with carrots or blueberries as treats.

If your pet ingests a THC product, you need to get them to the vet right away, as it can cause death. THC products are currently legal in Alaska, so don’t let the fear of “getting caught” prevent you from seeking help for your pet.

If you have pharmaceuticals in your home, whether it be Tylenol, Ibuprofen, or prescription medications, your pets have the potential to get into these. Human non-steroidal anti-inflammatories are not safe for your pet and can cause life-threatening complications. Ibuprofen, Naproxen, or other anti-inflammatories can cause these symptoms:

If your animal gets into any medication, please contact your vet right away. You may also consider calling the ASPCA Pet Poison Line at 888-426-4435. They can advise you as to whether or not the substance your pet has ingested is toxic and whether the dose they ingested warrants emergency action. Keep all medications tightly sealed and stored away from your pet’s access.

Mushrooms have the potential to be toxic to the GI system and cause liver failure. In severe cases, pets consuming mushrooms can result in neurotoxicity and death. We encourage you to monitor your yard and remove any mushrooms that you see. Common places for mushroom growth include anywhere with minimal light and constant moisture. If your pet begins acting abnormally after being outside — such as being lethargic, vomiting, having diarrhea, or showing any signs of twitching or tremoring — get them to the vet right away.

Lastly, everyone knows that chocolate is toxic to your dog. Theobromine is the ingredient in chocolate that is toxic, and the concentration varies between chocolate varieties. Small doses usually only cause a bellyache, but even those cases should be evaluated by an expert. Larger doses can be fatal, depending on your pet’s size and the theobromine concentration. Please contact the ASPCA Poison Line or your local vet if your pet ingests chocolate. They may be able to tell you if the type and amount of chocolate that your dog or cat ingested can cause severe toxicity or clinical signs.

As an emergency animal hospital, we see plenty of cases of accidental ingestion at Tier 1. If you suspect or know that your pet has eaten something they shouldn’t, do not delay in contacting us. We will evaluate your pet’s condition and determine the best course of treatment.

Tier 1 Veterinary Medical Center in Palmer is Alaska’s only comprehensive animal hospital. We are available for emergencies, walk-ins, and by appointment. With CT, MRI, and Ultrasound available on-site, our facility provides advanced treatment options for your pet. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.