Should I feed my dog before a hike? Here’s the Answer

How to Prepare Your Dog for Camping or Hiking

In order to get your dog mentally and physically prepared for the trip, you’ll want to do the following:

Rules and Proper Trail Etiquette for Hiking With a Dog

  • Keep your dog under control at all times. She should always be within eye- and ear-shot. If the trail requires leashes or if there is any risk that she might run into or jump up onto other hikers, keep her on a short leash (six feet or less) since a long leash is more likely to get tangled on brush. Even if you’re sitting safely at a campsite, your dog should not be allowed to roam freely. Here’s more information about hiking off-leash.
  • Yield to other hikers and riders. Always step off the trail make your dog heel when others approach.
  • Communicate proactively. When you meet someone on the trail, let them know that your dog is friendly and communicate that calmness to the dog.
  • Don’t try to manage more than one dog. If you need to bring two, bring another human to help. But no matter how many hikers are in your group, don’t try to manage more than two dogs, because three or more becomes a pack, and packs of dogs may be harder to manage.
  • Leave no trace. Bring bags to collect and carry out your dog’s poop. If you’ll be backpacking overnight, bring a shovel to bury it at least 8” deep and at least 200 feet from walkways, camping sites, and water sources.
  • Protect the wildlife. Don’t let your dog stray off the trail to chase animals, run through the foliage, or play in water. The natural flora and fauna will need to be protected from your pet’s curiosity and enthusiasm (and not only that, but some plants are poisonous, and some creatures bite back and may host dangerous viruses or diseases).
  • What should I feed my dog before hiking?

    If you’re going for a long trip, consider packing a high-protein dehydrated dog food (which weighs less) instead. Water and a collapsible water bowl. Use your own thirst as a guide and offer water when you stop to drink—every 15 to 30 minutes, depending on trail difficulty and temperature. A large dog might drink .

    15 Killer Tips to Get Hiking With Dogs!

    Picture this: it’s a gorgeous Saturday. You have nothing scheduled, and you want to spend time outdoors, with your beloved Fido. You decide to go on a hike (excellent choice!), and you’re gathering the essentials for your three-mile jaunt in the wilderness. Water, First Aid Kit, etc…this isn’t your first rodeo. As you’re collecting items for your pack, you go over to their treat drawer and stare.

    Simply put, the best dog treats to take on the trail will depend on the length of your hike. Are you going on a quick three-mile, hour walk or an overnight trip? Think about your pet’s normal appetite during the amount of time allotted, then consider that they will be strenuously exercising.

    Perfect dog treats for hiking involve three things: 1) They pack easily in a small container you can fit in your/your dog’s bag. 2) They won’t make a mess in your bag. 3) They’ll support your dog’s exertion level over your hike!

    If you’re anxious about what to pack, always consult with your vet about your dog’s calorie intake and exercise levels. Otherwise, use the list of treats and food below as a guide that you’ll hone over a lifetime of happy trails with your dog!