Should you be able to hear your dog breathing? Simple and Effective Tips

Treatment of Noisy Breathing in Dogs

Treating the cause of noisy breathing is important, especially if there is risk of respiratory collapse or secondary complications like hyperthermia, aspiration pneumonia, or consistent regurgitation.

Surgical measures are sometimes needed to correct noisy breathing problems. Shortening of an elongated palate, removal of obstructive polyps, enlarging of nasal openings, and foreign body removal are all possibilities that can bring dramatic improvement for your beloved pet. Your veterinary specialist and her team will discuss with you the best options, cost, prognosis, and aftercare.

Of course, if when you bring your dog into the clinic the situation has already reached critical stages, emergency measures will be taken to permit your dog to breathe more easily, once he has been stabilized.

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Diagnosis of Noisy Breathing in Dogs

Sometimes our family pets become very excited when they walk through the veterinary clinic doors. Whether it is the elation about the outing or the stress of the clinical visit, the excitement will perhaps exacerbate the noisy breathing that is already present. While waiting in the reception area of the clinic, try to calm your pet if he is so enthusiastic that the veterinarian will have a difficult time assessing the problem.

Give your veterinarian as much information as possible. Let her know the changes that you have seen in your furry family member, such as a difference in his bark or exercise tolerance. Tell the veterinarian if your pet has had any accidents or trauma of late. As she listens with the stethoscope, your veterinary caregiver might hear sounds that will provide clues as to if there is an obstruction or abnormality.

Radiographs of the head, neck, lungs, and chest may give some insight. Sometimes an elongated palate or a polyp on the windpipe could be evident. Further diagnostic tools, like ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) scan could be invaluable in assessing noisy breathing.

In addition, a complete blood count, biochemical profile, and urinalysis may be needed to add information to the health evaluation of your dog.

If absolutely necessary, a pharyngoscopy or laryngoscopy will be considered. This will clearly show anatomical changes, but will only be done if the risk of complication (such as airway collapse) is low. Rest assured, if the veterinary team feels this must be done in order to fully diagnose the reason for the stertor and stridor, your pet will be carefully monitored, and the team will be prepared for intervention measures if required.

Why can I hear my dog breathing?

It’s usually caused by airways being blocked in the throat. Stridor: high-pitched and loud breathing, usually the result of rigid tissues vibrating in the airway passage. Typically it’s caused by a partial or complete blockage of the nasal passages or voice box, or sometimes even the collapse of the upper windpipe.

3 Types of Dog Breathing Problems and What to Do

Wheezing in dogs occurs when something impairs or blocks the flow of air in the windpipe, causing stridor (a whistling sound). This can be caused by swelling and inflammation in the airways, something getting stuck in the windpipe, or a number of medical issues.1

A few seconds of wheezing is likely nothing to be concerned about, but if your dog is consistently wheezing or the wheezing is accompanied by other symptoms, it could indicate a serious health issue that warrants a visit to the vet.