Should you clone your dog answers? Find Out Here

There will be a waiting list for dog cloning

Once you decide you are ready to move forward with cloning your dog utilizing the genetic material that has been collected the process is fairly simple. Lauren notes that currently ViaGen has a waiting list for all the species of pets (dogs, cats, horses) that they clone so you would need to get onto that waiting list. Not taking the waiting list into account Lauren says that the process of cloning takes approximately six months from start to finish from a Genetic Preservation sample to cloning to receiving a puppy. If you clone your dog, the cloned puppy will be born and cared for at the ViaGen facility in the Northeast United States and will stay there until they are at least eight weeks old and ready to go home to you.

How much does it cost to clone a dog?

Not surprisingly the process of cloning is expensive. At ViaGen “currently the cost for dog cloning is $50,000” says Lauren. The costs associated with cloning are the same regardless of what breed of dog you have, and the size of the dog being cloned. For this fee Lauren notes that people can expect that they will get one or two cloned puppies.

Sam Carrell runs the Instagram page “Tinkerbelle the Dog,” which has half a million followers. She’s also considering cloning her Tinkerbelle but isn’t positive yet.

Melanin Rodriguez of ViaGen Pets, a service that clones cats, dogs and horses, said there is still only a small number of people willing to clone their pets.

Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this story contained an incorrect spelling for Sam Carrell. The error has been corrected.

She said one of their more popular services is preserving the pet’s DNA for potential cloning down the road.

“I don’t know at this point,” Carrell said Thursday on “Banfield.” “I’m happy that I have this wonderful partnership and the opportunity for Tinkerbelle’s DNA to be preserved. As far as moving forward … I don’t know. But I also want everyone to know that as of now, she is not cloned.”

Pet cloning: Man’s best friend, again

Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this story contained an incorrect spelling for Sam Carrell. The error has been corrected.

(NewsNation Now) — How much would you spend to keep your furry friend around for another life? Or would the thought never cross your mind?

Sam Carrell runs the Instagram page “Tinkerbelle the Dog,” which has half a million followers. She’s also considering cloning her Tinkerbelle but isn’t positive yet.

“I don’t know at this point,” Carrell said Thursday on “Banfield.” “I’m happy that I have this wonderful partnership and the opportunity for Tinkerbelle’s DNA to be preserved. As far as moving forward … I don’t know. But I also want everyone to know that as of now, she is not cloned.”

However, Carrell did say that her dog’s DNA is on file in the event she decides to go through with the process.

Melanin Rodriguez of ViaGen Pets, a service that clones cats, dogs and horses, said there is still only a small number of people willing to clone their pets.

“Cloning is very expensive,” Rodriguez said. “It’s $50,000 to clone a dog and $35,000 to clone a cat. So it’s not something that everyone is doing.”

She said one of their more popular services is preserving the pet’s DNA for potential cloning down the road.

“That’s as little as $1,600,” Rodriguez said. “So that gives you the option to call them one day if you want to. You don’t have to.”

Last February, scientists cloned the first U.S. endangered species, a black-footed ferret duplicated from the genes of an animal that died more than 30 years ago.