Can you use cat litter for dogs? Here’s What to Do Next

Take note that the above-mentioned is in case you only use the cat litter for your dogs but if you have a mixed household, meaning, you have both cats and dogs, then the situations will be different. This is because your dog might mistakenly eat cat litter with your cat’s poop clumped in it. This may tend to clump in more in your dog’s body and accelerate blockage which results in swelling of the intestines causing them to vomit or suffer from constipation. However, if caught early, these symptoms can be treated quickly by their vet.

Cat litter boxes are generally used for cats that are never let out of the house for reasons such as medical or maybe for safety, and for just normal indoor cats. I believe that this is what most dog owners are interested in and are looking into from time to time as to whether or not it is advisable to use litter boxes or trays for dogs, and if it is safe for them to use or not.

The simplest answer for this is yes as some dogs can be easily trained to use them in no time. Dogs are generally trained to do their business usually in the backyard, however, there may be situations where they may be unable to do so. For instance, if you are not home and you are forced to leave your pup at home for a while, if your dog is unwell, or if the weather is awful and it makes it impossible to go outside. I mean, there are even dog potties specifically designed for them.

These are some reasons that some dog owners become keen on getting cat litter for their pups, for when the need arises, it is available for them to use and not leave their dogs in discomfort. But first, we have to find out…

The good news is that most clumping and non-clumping litters are not really toxic to animals and even humans, e.g. Pretty Litter. Therefore, if your pup mistakes the cat litter for treats or kibbles and snack on them, you can rest assured that they won’t get intoxicated but the worst they could get is only an upset stomach. However, if these are consumed in large quantities, it may result in something worse and if the symptoms become worse, just consult your pup’s resident veterinarian.

What kind of litter is best for dogs?

The best kind of litter is one that your dog uses readily and doesn’t eat or shred. Some pet parents have success with paper pellets, while others prefer clay litter or dog-safe wood shavings. Try out small batches of litter to see what works best for your dog.

BrilliantPad Self-Cleaning Automatic Indoor Dog Potty

About: Technology does most of the gross work with the BrilliantPad Self-Cleaning Automatic Indoor Dog Potty, a device that features a long strip of layered puppy pad material across a plastic platform. The machine rolls up the soiled area, trapping liquids and odors inside. All you need to do is discard the used roll and insert a fresh one as needed. Best self-cleaning option

This high-tech potty pad wraps and seals used pads and refresh with new pad sheets to keep your home clean and odor-free.


  • Can be programmed to automatically replace the pet waste pad up to 3 times a day or to produce a fresh pad on demand
  • Suitable for dogs and puppies weighing less than 25 pounds
  • Each roll is equivalent to approximately 21 puppy pads
  • Sensor ensures the puppy pad won’t be replaced while your dog is on the platform
  • Size Options:

  • Single size measures 34″ L x 24″ W
  • Self-cleaning nature makes cleanup easier, plus it gives your dog a fresh pad as needed
  • Eco-friendly potty pads are compostable
  • Small size works great in apartments
  • Make no bones about it: This device is expensive
  • Not every dog is willing to potty on the platform
  • Litter Box Training A Dog Pros And Cons

    Litter boxes are typically marketed for cats, but they can be very helpful for dogs too.

    Dogs and cats go about their business in rather different ways, so litter boxes designed for dogs are often designed much differently than those made for cats. In fact, many “litter boxes” for dogs don’t use litter at all.

    Read on to learn about the different types of litter boxes and indoor dog potties that are available for your dog, as well as the characteristics that separate the best from the rest.