Teddy Bear Shih Tzu Haircut Face

If you were under the impression that there is only one standard cut for Shih Tzus, the “puppy cut,” then you’ll be interested to see these different variations of that style and other styles that are completely different from the traditional puppy cut.

As you can see, there are many different styles when it comes to Shih Tzus. This is not an exhaustive list, but it may give you ideas for your pup’s next visit to the groomer.

How to Cut Shih Tzu Hair with Scissors

Using a comb, comb in and up through your Shih Tzu’s fur, like the hairstylist does for us. Look at where the undercoat is, just under the longer, less dense hairs, and cut it to that length. Do this all over his body. Use the same technique for the legs, but be sure the front part of the leg is cut in a straight, even line. Cut along the stomach without the comb, looking for the longer hairs not part of the undercoat. Trim to the shape of the paw, as you normally would when using clippers. This is ideal for giving your dog a nice grooming, but not taking off a lot of hair.

# Full Shave – Great for Summer, Matted or Tangled hair; Flea/Tic infestations

This is a great option for warm sticky humid, muggy summer months, or if you Shih Tzu is suffering from a flea or tick infection caused by fleas or ticks hiding in matted/ tangled between the 2 coats.

Obviously not a good option for winter, older climes or areas with a lot of mosquitos. If you do decide to fully shave during winter then use a fleece jacket outdoors AND indoors (even light draft can feel bone freezing cold to a small pup! Remember smaller stuff cools off faster!).

A fully shaved pup in an area with a lot of mosquitos should be carefully monitored (heartworms can be nasty!) vaccinated and protected with a jacket at all times!

If your pup suffers from Alopecia (Hair loss in Shih Tzu) it’s risky to go for a full shave because the fur might not regrow

Use a #30 blade (on an Andis clipper) to leave it at 0.5 millimeters in length. In general, the higher the blade number, the shorter your dog’s hair will end up.

How to Trim Hair around Shih Tzu Eyes

The key to trimming around the eyes is to use thinner clippers to get into those small areas. Comb back the hair on the bridge of his nose so you can easily see what parts need to be trimmed. Gently clip around the inner corner of each eye any parts that are sticking straight out.

Go a bit further down to the upper corners of the nose and shave upward toward the eyes. Be extremely gentle, and close his eye when you are super close. Trimming around his eyes will prevent your dog from getting an eye infection.


What is the best haircut for a Shih Tzu?

The 7 best haircuts for Shih Tzu are:
  • The Puppy Cut.
  • Puppy Cut with Longer Ears and Tail.
  • Moderate Puppy Cut.
  • Lion cut.
  • Teddy bear cut.
  • Practical top knot.
  • Top knot show cut.

How do you groom a Shih Tzu in a teddy bear cut?

Teddy bear cuts are similar to puppy cuts in that they involve an even cut around the whole body. The only difference is that they’re geared more towards curly-haired dogs like Poodles, Labradoodles, Goldendoodles, and any other -oodle you can think of!

What is the difference between a puppy cut and a teddy bear cut?

Teddy bear cuts are similar to puppy cuts in that they involve an even cut around the whole body. The only difference is that they’re geared more towards curly-haired dogs like Poodles, Labradoodles, Goldendoodles, and any other -oodle you can think of!