How do harnesses stop dogs pulling? A Step-by-Step Guide

It is more comfortable for your dog.

Harnesses distribute any pressure across a much larger and less sensitive body area in the chest and flank, than the alternatives where pressure is concentrated in the neck or face. A well-fitted harness is therefore more comfortable for your dog than being led by a collar or wearing a head-collar. Combined with two points of connection, a fixed harness does not put unpleasant pressure on the dog, which makes the dog more relaxed and therefore less likely to pull. Note: harnesses that tighten on the dog work by creating an unpleasant sensation when the dog pulls, which is not comfortable and not recommended.

It positions the dog naturally at your side.

If you want your dog to walk on a loose lead, the ideal place for it to be is beside you, matching your pace and direction. Attaching a lead to a collar or the back of a harness, positions you firmly behind the dog – in the perfect position to encourage pulling! But when you add that front connection to the harness, with two points of connection, the dog moves naturally to be positioned with his shoulder at your side. This is a much more comfortable position to walk in and does not encourage pulling, which brings us to our next point.

Not all no pull harnesses have a strap across the shoulders.

Not all no pull harnesses have a strap that goes across the shoulders. However, for my dog, that strap is unfortunately what works best to manage his pulling.

Here is a picture of the EasyWalk no pull harness on Remy, to show you what I mean. (When we’re walking, the strap doesn’t hang quite so low across his shoulders.)

When my dog pulls, the strap tightens across his shoulders. It works the same way as a martingale collar works, with a little loop that tightens or expands the larger loop based on pressure/release.

How can a harness stop a dog pulling on the lead?

Maintaining control over your dog during leash training is crucial – and it’s also a huge challenge, especially with a dog that pulls. That’s why more and more dog parents are switching to dog accessories specifically made to discourage your pet from pulling. One of the best options to make your daily walks or leash training sessions easier for you and your four-legged friend is a front clip dog harness. These specialized harnesses work to prevent your dog from pulling, no matter their strength. Keep reading to know everything about how a front clip harness can stop dogs from pulling.