What Age Can Puppies Eat Raw Carrots

You’ve done your research; you know your new puppy should enjoy a healthy, balanced diet, that human snacks should be kept to a minimum and some, like chocolate and xylitol (sugar substitute), avoided altogether.

Yes! Apples are a great source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and fibre. Another advantage of letting dogs eat apples is that the rough texture of the fruit helps to keep their teeth clean!

Apples are a highly tasty treat, but take care not to feed your puppy too much of it. The high sugar content may make them gain weight, and increase their chances of suffering from obesity-related conditions like diabetes.

When you feed your dog apple, make sure you take away the core and the pips. This won’t just ensure maximum flavour, it’ll help keep your pup safe from cyanide poisoning too. Apple pips contain small traces of cyanide – in theory, your puppy wouldn’t be in danger unless they ate a huge quantity of pips, but it’s better to be safe.

Yes. Carrots are a great source of vitamins and minerals, and most dogs will enjoy the taste of them too.

Whilst it’s true that the entire carrot is safe and digestible, avoid feeding raw carrots to your young puppy, especially if they aren’t cut up into small pieces. Aim instead to provide cooked carrot – this has a much softer texture and will be more gentle on your puppy’s teeth.

Dogs can eat carrots raw once they’ve grown up, but make sure you’re there to supervise. Dogs may choke on whole carrots, so cutting them up into small pieces is always advisable.

Fresh strawberries, yes. Tinned strawberries, no – these often contain added sugars, which can lead to weight gain or worse, sugar substitutes like xylitol, which are highly toxic.

Fresh strawberries offer a high water content, making them the ideal treat on a summer’s day. Just make sure tasty treats like strawberries don’t comprise more than 10% of your puppy’s diet. They’re a rare treat, to be reserved for great behaviour or as an incentive for a new trick you’re trying to teach.

Strawberries also contain fibre, Vitamin C and can help keep your new dog’s teeth nice and white too.

Yes. Watermelon is packed with vitamins and boasts a comparatively low calorie count, making it a great snack for puppies.

One thing to bear in mind, though, is not to let dogs eat watermelon without cutting it up first. Watermelon seeds can cause damage to your dog’s intestines and they could choke on the tough, hard skin. Don’t let this stop you though – your puppy will love their helping of fresh watermelon, skinless and seedless, especially on a warm summer’s day, where it’ll provide plenty of rehydration.

Yes! Puppies and dogs can eat bananas. They contain vitamins, fibre, copper and potassium, so they make for a nutritious snack indeed.

Like most fruits, bananas are high in sugar so you should only feed it as a rare treat. Around 2-3 slices per day would be a fair amount.

While bananas are safe for dogs to eat, the same can’t be said for banana peels – if ingested, they can cause damage to your puppy’s digestive system.

They sure can. Blueberries are a fantastic source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre. They’re good for dogs – in modest amounts of course!

Blueberries are an easy snack – especially compared to watermelon, bananas etc – because they’re small and don’t require any chopping. One down side of this is that they do pose a slight choking hazard, so make sure you supervise your pup while they’re tucking into this healthy snack.

As ever, blueberries should be a snack, and not a substitute to your puppy’s healthy, balanced diet. Aim for snacks to make up no more than 10% of your puppy’s daily diet.

While the orange itself is not toxic to dogs, oranges do contain a lot of sugar and calories. They may cause your puppy to experience weight gain, which will hinder their healthy growth.

Orange peel, pips and pith (the white part that clings to the fruit) are poisonous to dogs.

If you want to treat your puppy to some delicious fruit, leave your oranges in the fruit bowl and choose something else.

No. Under no circumstances should dogs eat grapes. They contain toxins that cause severe kidney failure, and eating grapes can prove fatal to dogs and puppies – even in small amounts.

Not only should you refrain from feeding grapes to your puppy, you should take care while eating grapes yourself too. Make sure your pup doesn’t get their paws on them!

Raisins are a form of dried grape, and are equally toxic to puppies. Keep raisins well away from your dog and don’t feed them any baked goods (like mince pies, tea cakes etc) that contain raisins as an ingredient.

Yes. Not only is cucumber delicious and refreshing, it’s low in calories too, making it a great snack for your puppy, especially on warm summer days.

Make sure your puppy doesn’t gorge themselves on too much cucumber. While it is low in calories, eating excessive amounts may lead to gastrointestinal distress.

Before feeding cucumber to your puppy, chop it up into small pieces. This will make it easier to eat and reduce your puppy’s chance of choking. As with most fruit and vegetable-based snacks, make sure you supervise your puppy while they eat cucumber.

Yes. Mango is a delicious treat that’s packed with Vitamin A, B, C and E. Your puppy will love it.

One thing to bear in mind before letting your dogs eat mango – cut it up into small chunks before feeding it to your pup. Remove the skin and seeds too; mango pits are not toxic, but can be a choking hazard.

Mango contains a high level of fibre. This can lead to a stomach upset if your pup eats too much. Prevent this by only feeding mango in small doses – as with all sugary treats that are popular with humans, make sure snacks like mango don’t make up more than 10% of your puppy’s daily diet.

Puppies can safely eat carrots from the age of eight weeks old. Carrots are perfect for a tasty, healthy snack, but raw carrots are a choking hazard, so it’s best to boil them first!

Can I give my puppy a carrot to chew on?

Can puppies eat carrots? Yes. Carrots are a great source of vitamins and minerals, and most dogs will enjoy the taste of them too. Whilst it’s true that the entire carrot is safe and digestible, avoid feeding raw carrots to your young puppy, especially if they aren’t cut up into small pieces.

As always, remember to feed in moderation. It is uncommon but possible your dog may have an allergy to carrots. In which case, eating them may cause vomiting, diarrhoea, and itchy skin. If your dog shows any signs of discomfort or illness, do not feed them any more and contact your vet for advice.

Can you give puppies raw vegetables?

Any veg you give to your dog should be raw or boiled/steamed with no extra oils, butter or flavourings. Always cut it into bite-sized pieces to avoid choking and feed in moderation, especially if your dog isn’t used to eating fresh veg.

Can Carrots Make my Puppy See Better?

For humans Vitamin A which is found in carrots as Beta Carotene is associated with eyesight. But for most humans and dogs, the idea of carrots improving eyesight is just a myth! (Berkley Wellness)

For dogs the vitamins and minerals associated with good health and good eyesight can be obtained pretty easily through other normal dog foods.

So unless your Puppy is deficient in Vitamin A, carrots are not going to have a huge health benefit or improve eyesight.


Can I give my 10 week old puppy raw carrot?

Can puppies eat carrots? Yes. Carrots are a great source of vitamins and minerals, and most dogs will enjoy the taste of them too. Whilst it’s true that the entire carrot is safe and digestible, avoid feeding raw carrots to your young puppy, especially if they aren’t cut up into small pieces.

Is it OK to give my puppy a raw carrot to chew?

Raw and cooked carrots are healthy options for dogs and make a nutritious add-in to meals. While carrots are generally safe, it is important to cut whole carrots and even carrot sticks into bite-size chunks before feeding them to your dog. As a result, you will prevent choking, especially in small dogs.

Can a 11 week puppy eat carrots?

Carrots are a very healthy choice for puppies, but only give them small amounts. Even though it is naturally occurring, carrots contain sugar. Too much sugar is not suitable for puppies or dogs. If your dog is overweight or has any insulin sensitivity, avoid carrots.