What age do dogs seasons stop? Essential Tips

When Do Dogs Stop Having Periods

A dog never stops having a “period” which is called going into heat and if your female dog ever stops going into heat, there’s most likely a medical issue or more time passes between estrus cycles.

If your female dog has actually stopped going into heat, she’ll most likely go into heat again, there’s just more time between the heat cycles.

As mentioned above, it’s still best to consult the vet due to the potential risks.

Your dog doesn’t have to miss her period, it can even happen that she coincidentally bleeds heavily and in a very unusual way which may indicate a serious health issue.

Pyometra, bladder stones/cancer, and urinary tract infection are all possibilities that should be ruled out.

Now that you know that dogs never stop going into heat, you might want to prepare for all the intrigued males out there (at least that’s true for my Rottie, mounting is a real issue there).

Dogs don’t have menopause as this concept is exclusive to humans as well as pilot whales and Orcas which means even if your female doesn’t go into heat for 6-12 months, she will eventually go into heat again.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to prevent your dog from bleeding during her heat either.

As mentioned above, if you don’t consider spaying, there’s practically no way your dog will never go into heat again as there is no menopause.

If your dog’s heat was skipped, that’s not because she’s reached the age for menopause, but rather due to a medical issue or just a delayed heat.

What age do dogs have their first heat?

Most dogs have their first heat at around 6 months old, but timings vary a lot between dogs and breeds. Small dogs tend to have their first season earlier than large dogs (some can be as late as 2.5 years old).

How often are dogs in heat?

After their first season, most dogs have a heat every 6-7 months (twice a year). Some dogs have slightly longer or shorter cycles, but they should be regular. Speak to your vet if your dog has irregular seasons. Most dogs have longer gaps between their seasons as they get older (but can still get pregnant).

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A heat/season is the fertile period of a dog’s cycle when they can get pregnant. Dogs usually have their first heat at around 6 months old, and then every 6-7 months afterwards. Each heat tends to last approximately 16-18 days. Signs of a heat include a swollen vulva (private parts), bleeding, and changes in behaviour.