What are demon dogs called? A Step-by-Step Guide

In “Pilot“, Maggie Vera faced one of these creatures just after she discovered that she was a witch. The demon hunted her down and harmed her, but she was able to escape due to a group of drunk men arriving on the scene. This dog came along with his demonic master who was at the time possesing Brian.

This kind of demon dog can be only summoned through Absum Veri Spell and its purpose is to find the lost person. If caster knows what lost person dreads, something they deny themselves and something they desire, dog will show them coordinates. When one of these three things is not right, this creature will grow bigger and bigger and it will try to kill the caster.

Demon dogs appear as ordinary dogs in order to attract potential victims, only revealing their true nature when the prey gets close enough. In their demonic form, their eyes seem to become black and release some sort of black substance as well and the teeth in their mouths sharpen extensively, providing a green ooze-like substance.

At least one type of this dog can change its form, so that its eyes widen and its teeth become sharper. Their DNA differs from their non-supernatural counterparts and is made up of some sort of hydrochloric acid compound that they drool over when they transform into their demon form. They can be easily destroyed using sodium bicarbonate. Low-level Possessor Demons can also be vanquished with the same substance, indicating that their chemical composition is the same or similar. It is possible that demon dogs seek out owners who are genetically similar to them.

Demon Dogs

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Pilot The Rules of Engagement

What kind of dog is a hellhound?

A Hellhound is not a real dog. It is actually a fictional and a supernatural dog, and a part of folklore. Such hellish supernatural 4-legged animals are seen as part of different mythologies around the world. They are known for having a garbled black coat, super strength, speed and scary glowing red eyes.

The black dog is essentially a nocturnal apparition, in some cases a shapeshifter, and is often said to be associated with the Devil or described as a ghost or supernatural hellhound. Its appearance was regarded as a portent of death.

Cerberus, in Greek mythology, the monstrous watchdog of the underworld. He was usually said to have three heads, though the poet Hesiod (flourished 7th century bce) said he had 50. Heads of snakes grew from his back, and he had a serpent’s tail.

Mythical Demon Dogs and Their Names

Let’s start with actual demon dogs from mythical stories and urban legends around the world.

  • Cerberus – The three-headed dog guarding the underworld in Greek mythology.
  • Mauthe Doog – A ghost of a giant dog that roams the ground of Peel Castle on the Isle of Mann, an ancient Viking castle on St Patrick’s Isle.
  • Shug Monkey – This black dog is from British folklore. It has dog and monkey features and is said to haunt Slough Hill Lane in Cambridgeshire.
  • Dip – This blood-sucking back dog is said to be an agent of the devil. Its origins are from Catalan mythology.
  • What are demon dogs called?

    All demon names don’t have to sound like “Beezlebub.” So here are some feminine demonic names to title your pooch.

  • Abaddon – from biblical origins meaning “angel of death” and “place of destruction.” Traditionally a masculine name, but has become feminine due to the popularity of the show Supernatural.
  • Al Basty – from Sumerian origins and means “being guilty”.
  • Batibat – from the Filipino culture and means “nightmare.”
  • Banshee – from Irish origins, meaning a female wailing spirit.
  • Borda – an Italian demon witch.
  • Chamunda – in Hindu mythology, this is a form of the demon goddess Kali.
  • Daruka – in Hinduism, these are female demons that become goddesses.
  • Dimme – also known as Lamashtu, is from Mesopotamian mythology and tormented women during childbirth and tried to steal their babies.
  • Estry – from Hebrew origins meaning feminine demonic vampires.
  • Hecate – from Greek mythology, she is associated with witchcraft, magic, and hellhounds.
  • Jengu – from African origins, meaning good water spirit.
  • Kali – in Hinduism, she’s the goddess of Hell.
  • Lilith – from Judaic mythology, she’s the primordial she-demon and first wife of Adam.
  • Mazikeen – is of Hebrew origin and means “harmful spirits.” Also a demon on the show Lucifer.
  • Morgen – from Welsh origins, meaning feminine water spirits who drown men.
  • Okiku – is a famous Japanese spirit that means “chrysanthemum.”
  • Tezrian – from Armenian origins, she’s the goddess of war and battle.
  • What are demon dogs called?

    If you’re looking for more masculine-sounding names for your pup, here’s a whole list of them.

  • Alastor – from Greek mythology, meaning avenger of evil deeds.
  • Azazel – in Jewish culture, this is a demon or evil spirit and means “scapegoat.”
  • Beelzebub – from biblical origin, meaning “lord of the flies”.
  • Cassiel – another archangel cast out of heaven right after Lucifer.
  • Dagon – was originally a Semitic god of agriculture and was one of the first demons created by Lucifer.
  • Diablo – another name for “devil” in the Spanish language.
  • Dracula – from Romanian origins and is another name for “the devil.”
  • Furfur – is another fallen angel and is a “Greate Earl of Hell” who commands 26 legions of demons.
  • Jezebeth – from Christian origins, he’s the demon of falsehood and lies.
  • Leonard – another from Christian demonology, he’s the grandmaster demon in the Dictionnaire Infernal.
  • Lucifer – from biblical origins, he was an archangel cast out of heaven.
  • Mara – from Buddhist origins, he was a demon who tempted Buddha.
  • Samael – from Hebrew origins, meaning “venom of God.” A variation of the Christian mythology of Lucifer.
  • Shiva – from Vedic origins, he’s the deity of death and time.
  • Stolas – from Judaic mythology and also known as the Owl Demon, he originated from the Lesser Key of Solomon. He’s a demonic teacher.
  • What are demon dogs called?

    Here are some fictional demon character names. These names come from more modern sources like cartoons, games, TV shows, or books.

  • Angelus – evil version of Angel from the Buffyverse.
  • Arkham – from Devil May Cry, but with roots in horror literature.
  • Axel – the Nobody of Lea from Kingdom Hearts.
  • Callisto – a human turned into a demonic goddess from Xena: The Warrior Princess.
  • Randall Flag – a recurring antagonist in Stephen King novels.
  • Iggy Koopa – a crazy maniacal lunatic in the Marioverse.
  • Rumplestilskin – also known as The Dark One from the show Once Upon a Time.
  • Chernabog – a demonic villain in the 1940s Disney movie Fantasia, and is based on Slavic folklore.
  • Luci – the loveable demon sidekick from Disenchantment.
  • Drusilla – the vampire with demonic powers from the Buffyverse.
  • Devil Dogs – U.S. Marines – Sabaton History 023 [Official]