What are guard hairs on a dog? Expert Advice

What Do Guard Hairs Do?

Guard hairs have many jobs and are an integral part of not just your dog’s coat, but their life.

They act like a layer of waterproofing. They protect your dog’s skin against things like moisture as well as things they may come into contact with in their daily life like fleas, ticks, or pokey plants.

Dogs can get sunburns on any area of exposed skin. Their thick and coarse guard hairs block the sun’s harmful UV rays to keep your dog’s skin safe. This is one of the reasons why you should never completely shave your dog as it can make them susceptible to sunburns without the protection of their guard hairs.

Perhaps the most important job of guard hairs is to help with thermoregulation. The hairs work to ensure your dog can cool down and warm up appropriately. The hairs keep them cool by shedding and thinning out when the warmer seasons begin. They act as a layer of insulation to protect your pooch and keep them warm in cooler weather.

What Exactly Are Guard Hairs?

Guard hairs are thick and long hairs that follow the contour of your dog’s body.

Their texture will vary depending on your dog’s breed. Guard hairs of wire-haired dog breeds like a Schnauzer will be crisp and harder feeling. Guard hairs on dogs that were bred to work in water will be higher in oil to ensure water runs off of the hairs to protect the undercoat from becoming saturated. Dog breeds designed to live in cooler temperatures will have stiff and long guard hairs to protect the skin and undercoat from harsh wind and freezing temperatures.

What are guard hairs on a dog?

What are guard hairs on a poodle?

Guard hair is the hair forming the outer layer of the coat which protects the “undercoat” at the root from the elements. The guard hair have a coarse feel to them when one touches the outer layer of the coat and are the longest. A poodle’s topknot is considered guard hair.

Dog Clipper Guards Explained

While you may think that all of your dog’s hairs are the same, dogs actually have multiple types of hair, and all of their hair is vastly different from the hair growing out of your head. One type of hair that dogs have is the “guard hairs.” These hairs are among the most important considerations made when it comes to grooming dogs, especially when a pet parent wants to shave their dog for the summer.