What are the symptoms of a false pregnancy in a dog? Expert Advice

What Causes False Pregnancies in Dogs?

False pregnancy in dogs is caused by normal hormonal changes that begin after every estrus cycle. The purpose of this change is to prepare your dog’s body for pregnancy. Sometimes, though, these changes progress even when your dog isn’t pregnant.Â

The levels of a hormone called progesterone are high when your dog is ovulating — during heat — and begin to taper off around six or more weeks later. This decrease in progesterone leads to increased levels of a different hormone: prolactin. High levels of prolactin cause many of the symptoms of false pregnancy. Â

Phantom pregnancy can also be caused by spaying your dog too soon after an estrus cycle. The removal of the ovaries changes hormone levels at a problematic time in your dog’s cycle — leading to the symptoms of false pregnancy. It’s best to wait at least eight to ten weeks after your dog was last in heat before spaying her. Depending on the breed, dogs go into heat 1-3 times per year.Â

Phantom pregnancies in dogs are very common, with symptoms from mothering behaviour and lactation, to lethargy and vomiting. Find out more about signs, causes and possible treatment.

Has your dog started acting like they are pregnant, mothering their toys and creating a nesting space? Have you noticed mammary development and even milk from their nipples? Some female dogs may display signs equivalent to morning sickness; with lethargy and vomiting. If your dog has not been mated, this may leave you scratching your head as to why they appear pregnant. If they have been mated, before you get too excited about visions of cute puppies, you need to make sure it’s not a false or phantom pregnancy.

Read on to discover what the signs are, how a false pregnancy gets diagnosed and when medical treatment is necessary.

What Is False Pregnancy in Dogs?

False pregnancy in dogs is also called pseudopregnancy or pseudocyesis. This condition can occur in unspayed female dogs because of normal changes in hormone levels.

These hormone changes trick the body into thinking it is pregnant and about to give birth.

How To Identify Dog False Pregnancy

Your good girl is showing all the signs of becoming a mama—shes nesting, her nipples are swollen, maybe her belly is big. Its certainly possible that shes actually pregnant. However, it could be a common syndrome called false pregnancy.

False pregnancy in dogs looks just like regular pregnancy, but there are no actual puppies developing in her uterus. If you know for certain that your dog has not mated, then this is the most likely reason for the physical and behavioral changes youre seeing.