What can a service dog do for chronic fatigue syndrome? Expert Advice

How is a Service Dog Trained?

The Canine Partners for Life service dog program spends two years preparing each dog for its working life.

Each CPL service dog spends their first year of training learning basic obedience and being socialized in public.

The second year of training is focused on more advanced service skills. It is also during the second year when each CPL dog will be tested to determine whether they have the innate ability to alert to medical conditions.

During the last few months of training, each dog’s skills are tailored to meet their future partner’s needs.

In order for a CPL dog to go through the full training program, they must be innately physically sound, temperamentally stable, happy working partners. Great care is taken to select only the most appropriate dogs for this level of work, but a few common dog breeds are more likely to carry the characteristics required in companion dogs for disabled individuals.

Our waitlist for new service dog and alert service dog applicants is temporarily closed.

Click below to be notified when we start accepting applications. We will also make an announcement on our social media pages. Thank you for your understanding!

CPL dogs come from three sources — our own small breeding program, donated puppies from responsible breeders, and occasionally from shelters or rescues.

What can a service dog do for chronic fatigue syndrome?

CPL uses primarily labrador retrievers in its service dog program.

A service dog can assist individuals with disabilities by:

What can a service dog do for chronic fatigue syndrome?

  • Providing balance or support when standing or walking
  • Assisting with transfers from a wheelchair to a chair/bed
  • Opening doors
  • Retrieving things for their person
  • Turning lights on/off
  • Alerting a person who may have a seizure
  • Alerting to cardiac episodes
  • What Factors May Lead tothe Development of Fibromyalgia?

    According to researches, most people affected by this condition are adults and the older a person gets the bigger is the risk of developing fibromyalgia. Considering this we can say, that one of the risk factors is age.

    Women are likely to develop this condition twice more often than men.

    Events, causing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can trigger fibromyalgia.

    Fibromyalgia is likely to be passed through genetics.

    People suffering from Rheumatoid or Lupus Arthritis, are more exposed to the risk of developing fibromyalgia.

    service dog alerts to MECFS fatigue crash | VLOGTOBER 2018 #4