What can I put on my dog’s nose for dryness? Here’s What to Expect

Are There Other Solutions for a Dry Dog Nose?

As with any canine condition, there are a plethora of options for treatment, but not all are advisable or effective. Some are not even safe for your dog!

If you aren’t sure what’s causing your dog’s dry nose, you may want to take him to the vet, especially if he has any other symptoms, since a dry nose can be a sign of a serious health problem.

Why not combine all these natural ingredients with several more for one fabulous product that helps safely heal your dog’s nose and also helps feed shelter dogs? Our Project Paws® Nature’s Butter™ Snout Balm for Dogs is an unscented formula that is packed with soothing oils and butters that seep into your dog’s skin at different levels, locking in healthy moisture for longer periods of time.

Hyperkeratosis is the result of excessive skin growth on your dog’s nose or paw pads due to your dog producing too much keratin, which is the protein that the nose and paw pads are made from. The resulting brittle skin can become cracked and even infected!

Have you noticed that your dog’s nose has been drier than usual lately? A crusty, flaky nose on your dog is not just an eyesore – it can actually be quite sore and uncomfortable for your dog. Dry, cracked skin isn’t just painful. A wet nose is actually required for your dog to smell properly. Since dogs rely heavily on their sense of smell, it’s unfair to take that away from them by failing to treat their dry nose. Let’s talk about what causes dry noses and how to heal your dog’s dry nose naturally.

As you can imagine, having an infection on your dog’s nose is a bad situation, so you want to heal your dog’s nose before it gets so dry that it starts to crack and allow infections in.

Let’s review…

In the canine world, a wet nose is a true symbol of health and happiness. If your pup suffers from the occasional dry dog nose, a little TLC using Pup Wax® should solve the problem. Always consult your dog’s veterinarian if you suspect your dog’s dry nose is a sign of severe illness or an underlying condition.

Dog Dry Nose: What Does It Mean?

Most dog owners would probably tell you that a cold, wet nose on their canine companion signals a healthy pup. Likewise, many believe a dog is sick when his nose is dry — but is this true?

Before we get into that debate, we first need to understand why dogs have wet noses. The answer is simple: wet noses work better. Dogs depend on their highly developed sense of smell to interpret their world, and scent particles stick better to moist surfaces. That wet nose also cools your dog down on hot days, similar to how panting regulates his body temperature.

The lining of your dog’s nose contains special mucus-producing glands that keep his nasal passageways moist, along with producing a clear, watery fluid that helps keep him cool. Dogs also lick their noses on a regular basis to keep them clean. All that sniffing can result in dirt and pollen collecting around your dog’s nostrils, and licking serves two purposes: not only does it keep your dog’s nose wet, but pups can also interpret smell through taste, thanks to a highly specialized olfactory organ called the Jacobson’s organ.