What can I spray to keep my dog from pooping on the floor? Get Your Pet Thinking

3 Easy Tips To Stop Dogs From Pooping On The Carpet: Effective Tricks

You have already known some of the best sprays to use on the carpet to stop dogs from pooping on it. But here, I will add some more tips that can refrain the dog from pooping on the carpet:

  • Train the dog to poop at a definite time in a definite place. You can help the dog to get used to a place where it can poop. As it gets trained, it won’t think of pooping on the carpet;
  • Have a puddle pad in the house for the dog to poop on. This is a suitable place for pooping which is easy to clean. Also, the dog gets attracted to this as it is soft and comfortable. Therefore, the dog doesn’t approach the carpet when there is a puddle pad;
  • Praise your dog frequently when it poops at the right place. In fact, cheer it up whenever it does something good. This makes the dog more obedient;
  • Follow these three tips to stop your dog from pooping on the carpet.

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    Citronella Grass Oil:

    Here comes another all-natural product that is tested to be effective in repelling dogs away from the pooping zone on the carpet. The extraction from citronella grass is available in the form of citronella oil which is quite reasonable in price.

    The fragrance of citronella oil is very refreshing and raw which you would love. But dogs really hate such earthy and herb smell. Therefore, it is perfect to use on the carpet. Besides that, citronella grass oil will last longer than any of the solutions mentioned in this list. As it is oily, it will stick to the carpet fibers for a long time unless you deep clean the carpet. But one drawback is that it will also stick dirt more to the carpet due to its oily texture.

    Citronella grass oil is not harmful to carpet fibers at all. In fact, it will make the carpet look more shiny and fresh. But you may need to clean the carpet from time to time so that dirt can settle on the oil. Apart from that, it will do the job of stopping your dog from pooping on the carpet.

    Lemon Juice:

    Lemon juice has a sweet but sour smell that your dog can’t bear for very long. And if it accidentally tastes lemon juice or licks the carpet once, it will definitely not come back to poop on the carpet. But, note that you can’t spray too much lemon juice on the carpet as it may make the fibers sticky.

    For spraying lemon juice, you can mix warm water and lemon juice and then spray it on the carpet. With this, the concentration of lemon will be minimal but the smell will cover the carpet. However, if you are not willing to spray lemon juice, you can choose a carpet freshener that has lemon flavor in it. The lemon flavor will repel your dog away from the carpet.

    You can also choose a border to spray lemon juice. I mean, instead of spreading lemon juice all over the carpet, you can spray it across the border of that area only and leave it like that. With this, the dog won’t enter that territory. Quite an eco-friendly, simple, and all-natural solution!

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