What causes tear stains on white dogs? A Step-by-Step Guide

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There are a number of potential reasons for dogs’ eyes to water excessively, some of which are serious medical conditions. For this reason, it is important for go to your vet so they can perform a check-up when the signs of dog tear stains are first noticed.


The answer to what causes tear stains in dogs is usually an excessive amount of tears on the face, either from too many tears being produced or the tears not draining away properly. This could be the symptom of a serious medical condition or indicate an infection, so it is important to see your vet if you notice signs of tear stains for the first time.

Glaucoma – a serious condition that causes a build-up of pressure in the eye and can damage the optic nerve.

Eye infection – infections by bacteria, viruses or parasites can cause a discharge from the eye.

Conjunctivitis – inflammation in the eye’s lining can cause mucus, pus or discharge.

Ear infection – may cause the eye on the same side of the head to tear more than is usual.

Ingrown eyelashes – these can rub against the surface of the eye, causing irritation and damage.

Entropion – a condition where the eyelid rolls in, causing the eyelashes to rub against the eye and causing irritation.


The most obvious sign of tear stains in light coloured dogs are the red marks in the hair below each eye.

These are much harder to see in darker coated dogs, and it may be that the damp hair from excessive tear production or the tears being drawn away from the eye into the fur are the easiest symptoms to see. There may be a discharge from the eye, depending on the cause of the tears, but this does not happen in every case.

If your dog has stains that are brown rather than red, particularly if there is a noticeable odour, then they may have a yeast infection that can be caused by the skin being constantly damp under the fur.

How To Naturally Treat Dog Tear Staining