What color eyes do most dogs have? Here’s What to Do Next

Amber Eye Color

What color eyes do most dogs have?

Amber is a golden honey color that can show up in many breeds. Amber comes from diluted eumelanin, which is a pigment. It can also come from recessive B or D genes.

Most dogs who have a liver-colored coat have amber eyes. They’re also common among isabella, blue, rust, and gray coated dogs.You will often see amber eyes in:

  • Clumber Spaniels
  • Ibizan Hounds
  • Pharaoh Hounds
  • Brittany Spaniels
  • Chesapeake Bay Retrievers
  • While amber eyes can show up in lots of coat or breed variations, it can be a disqualifying factor for certain breeds if you plan to show your dog.

    Why do some dogs have green eyes?

    You probably remember the Punnett Square from middle school. Well, its time to reconsider it, because a dogs eye color—just like yours—is all about genetics. It turns out, most dogs eyes are various shades of brown because all dogs carry a gene that produces a brown pigment in the iris called eumelanin. It requires the presence of a second gene, such as the merle gene, for a dog to have blue, green, or amber eyes; the merle gene creates patches with reduced eumelanin. Dogs with green eyes have a small amount of eumelanin while dogs with blue eyes have none.

    The merle gene is common in several popular dog breeds such as border collies, Australian sheepdogs, chihuahuas, and more. However, many carriers of the gene simply have blue eyes, not green. The merle gene also impacts a dogs coat color. Many dogs with the merle gene have brindle or patchy coats. [dam-video dam-id=”40759″ type_of_player=”jw” /]

    Green Eye Color

    What color eyes do most dogs have?

    Green eyes are a rare sight to behold in the dog world, being the scarcest color of all. The merle gene that creates blue eyes also influences green pigmentation. There are more health issues seen in dogs who have green eyes.

    Many mixed dogs can wind up with this eye color, but it isn’t a breed standard for purebreds. Pit Bulls are the only mentionable dog breed that has green eyes over others.But it can also show up in:

  • Labrador Retrievers
  • French Bulldogs
  • Alaskan Malamutes
  • Beagles
  • Mixed Breeds
  • Maybe it’s the rarity that makes green eyes so beautiful.

    THIS Is What Eye Color Tells You About Your Dog!