What do dog cancer lumps feel like? Find Out Here

Are My Dog’s Lumps And Bumps Normal, Or Is It Cancer?

Let’s face it, we all—humans and animals alike—get more lumpy and bumpy with age. But unlike us, our pets can’t point out a lump and ask, “Is this normal?” It’s up to us to be on the lookout for growths under or on our pet’s skin.

And when we do find a lump or bump while grooming or petting our dogs, it’s an understandable response to be alarmed. That’s not a bad thing—it’s wise to be both aware and cautious if you detect a new or changing lump.

What Else Should I look Out For When Checking my Dog?

Sores and wounds that persistently don’t heal with time could be a sign of multiple health issues including immune system problems, other infections, or cancer. Some cancers can look like open or non-healing sores.

If your dog has lost a lot of weight and they’re not on a diet, it’s time to get them checked out. Even if they don’t have cancer, it could be an indication of another health problem.

This is another sign that could indicate various health problems, but is also synonymous with gastrointestinal cancers. Have your dog checked out immediately if they are regularly vomiting or have diarrhoea often.

Weakness, lethargy and generally not acting like themselves is a sign of cancer, but also an indication of various other ailments, particularly in older dogs. If you notice that your dog is weaker or more lethargic than usual, it might be time for a visit to the vets.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

The good news is that most lumps and bumps on the skin are benign. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pick up the phone and make an appointment as soon as you spot one.

Let me set the stage: You’re having dinner with your whole family when your youngest turns to you and shouts, “Maggie has a bump!” Next thing you know you’re making an appointment to see your veterinarian (hopefully).

Enough of that. On to the offenders! Here’s a list of the top f lumpy bumpy things we’re likely to see on our dogs’ skin:

Any skin growth should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian. In the case of any tumor larger than a pea, veterinarians will typically insert a needle to extract some cells for microscopic analysis, called a fine needle aspirate. Other tumors may need to be biopsied more extensively, meaning that a surgical incision may be in order.

Cancer: This is a disease defined by the uncontrolled division of abnormal cells. It can lead to abnormal growths anywhere in the body but can also be found in the blood (like leukemia or lymphoma).

How To Tell If Your Dog’s Lump Is Cancer

Although our canine companions are covered in fur, their skin is still liable to develop lumps and bumps like humans. While not always, these lumps and bumps may be signs of illness or disease like cancer. Here, our Avon vets explain the kinds of lumps and bumps you might find on your dog, including cancerous and non-cancerous skin growths.