What do I do if my dog ate a candy cane? Essential Tips

Why Do Dogs Like Candy Canes?

Dogs eat them because they are sweet and tasty, dogs like the taste of sugar. Dogs may see candy canes as a toy and so play with them chewing or tossing around their newfound treasure.

Dogs chew on things for comfort, such as bones to relieve stress or anxiety. Chewing is also an instinctual behavior that helps clean teeth and exercise muscles in the mouth; this could lead a dog to want to chew on anything he finds lying about.

Many people leave candy canes out during Christmas time which leads dogs into thinking that these treats belong to him as well (or were left there by accident). Some dogs will lick at foods leaving traces behind which causes them not only to think it is ok to eat but also that the food is tasty.

They see a candy cane as an opportunity to get something from their owner or have it be thrown for them. They may think they are simply getting a treat and not know any better because it’s been done before; this can cause dogs to always want more of what’s being offered without understanding that eating too much sugar isn’t good for them in the long term.

Dogs like anything sweet so if there are no other options available he might opt for the candy cane over some plain ol’ water when thirsty. This seems harmless enough at first until you consider how many pieces of hard candy can fit inside one dog’s stomach – well past your limit on a single day.

Don’t display your candy canes

If your dog is highly food-driven, it’s not smart to hang candy canes. Your pet will find ways to reach it and eat the sweets.

Instead, you can use fake candy cane decorations. It still imbibes the spirit of Christmas minus the toxic xylitol that could harm your dog.

Your dog might eat the wrapper

Aside from the candy cane itself, the wrapper can also pose a risk to your dog. Candy canes are often wrapped in colorful plastics, which can block your dog’s intestines if ingested.

What do I do if my dog ate a candy cane?

Most dogs can pass a plastic wrapper without problems. However, puppies and small breeds may find it hard to do so.When this happens, your little dog may experience vomiting, difficulty defecating, or not defecating at all. Unfortunately, you have to bring your pet to the veterinarian when this happens.

In some cases, the vet can induce vomiting, which can dislodge the plastic wrapper. However, if such a method doesn’t work, a surgical procedure might be necessary.

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Candy canes are a fun and traditional way to decorate a Christmas tree and treat the kids (or yourself!) to a sweet treat during the festive season. These sugar-filled striped canes are also tempting to dogs who like their sweet scent, but can dogs eat candy canes safely?

The short answer is no. Candy canes are a hazard for dogs over the holidays, let’s find out why.