What do you do if your dog swallows a hair tie? Find Out Here

What happens when a dog eats a hair tie?

The main risk is with choking and blockage, especially with puppies and small-sized dogs. Swallowing a few hair ties could make it difficult for a dog to breath. The hair ties could get stuck in the dog’s air passage and lead to choking. Dogs that suffer from choking would show symptoms like excessive gagging and excessive salivation. They may also keep pawing at their mouth to dislodge the hair ties that are stuck inside their throat.

It doesn’t become any safer for a dog if the hair ties were to make it pass the esophagus. The other health risk is with blocking. The hair ties may create an obstruction at some point along the digestive tract. This could be in the stomach, intestines, or the dog’s bowel. Obstruction is a serious issue. It puts the movement of food and liquids at a standstill. It may manifest itself into larger health problems like bloat. Dogs that suffer from some form of blockage may show symptoms like constipation, a loss of appetite, and vomiting.

Why Do Dogs Swallow hair Tie?

As more and more dog owner’s are keeping hair ties in their pockets, the dogs frequently ingest them when they get curious about smells coming from our pockets or while desperately trying to gain our affection, or while stealing foreign object’s from us. Prolonged exposure to hair ties can cause damage to a dogs stomach and intestines. Hair ties can also get caught on a dog’s teeth or tongue, causing trauma from chewing and biting at it, which leads us to another problem. It would be best to take your dog to the vet as soon as possible for critical care.

Hair Ties in Your Dog’s Digestive System

If your dog has completely swallowed the hair tie, there is no need to panic, but you should still remain vigilant and prepared for an emergency visit to the vet.

In most cases, especially if you have a large dog, the hair tie will pass through their bowels. Your dog’s body is incapable of digesting the tie, so it will simply pass through them.

However, there is also the possibility that the hair tie could get stuck in their intestine, creating a blockage. This is more likely to happen if you have a small dog, or if your dog has swallowed several hair ties at once.

If your dog has not passed the hair tie within a couple of days, it is likely stuck inside of them. If this is the case, vomiting and/or diarrhea are common symptoms.

If you think the hair tie is stuck inside your dog, it is imperative that you take them to a vet to have it removed. The vet will attempt to remove the hair tie using an endoscope – a tube that is inserted through your dog’s throat or rectum. If the vet cannot remove the tie with an endoscope, it will have to be surgically removed.

Dog Ate something it shouldn’t ? what will happen ?and learn what to do Swallowed Hair Scrunchy

Does your dog make a toy of almost anything and everything? Does he love to play with things that aren’t really toys? This is a common thing for many dogs to do! Remember those old socks you knotted up and gave him to play with? Or your favorite shoes he was throwing around and chewing on?

Dogs love to play with many things around the house, especially something that’s stretchy, smells like you, and if fun to flip around! However, hair ties can be dangerous if swallowed.

However, sometimes the hair tie will cause no problems, and will pass right through the dog’s digestive tract. But occasionally the hair tie can become a health problem.