What does a floppy ear on a dog mean? Find Out Here

Why have my German Shepherd’s ears flopped suddenly?

If your German Shepherd’s ears have flopped suddenly after years of being up-right, it could, again, be related to poor hygiene or even a case of ear mites.

As we mentioned above, poor ear hygiene can lead to drooping of the ears. It can also lead to smelliness and infection. If your German Shepherd’s ears flop suddenly, you should consider your ear care routine.

Typically, dogs with upright ears such as German Shepherds don’t need regular ear care. It’s usually floppy-eared breeds like Beagles that need regular cleaning with topical solutions due to the “closed” nature of their ears, which makes them more prone to trapping dirt.

All dogs have self-cleaning mechanisms in their ears. However, allergies and hormone imbalances can cause disruptions to the mechanisms, meaning they require some extra care.

Dogs can be allergic to environmental allergens like pollen, household cleaning products, and foods like wheat and dairy. Other symptoms of allergies can include skin irritation, coughing, sneezing, runny noses and eyes, and stomach upsets. Common hormone imbalances in dogs include Cushing’s syndrome, pituitary dwarfism, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and Addison’s disease. Each has different symptoms, but they often include drastic changes in energy, coat, thirst, appetite, and weight. German Shepherds are also particularly prone to experiencing hormonal disorders.

Another cause of ear drooping in German Shepherds is ear mites. Ear mites can be picked up outdoors, or from coming into contact with another animal with the condition. The inflammation from the infestation can cause droopiness in the affected ear. Most often, however, ear mites affect both of a dog’s ears at the same time.

Other symptoms include excessive itchiness, and redness, bleeding, and swelling from the constant scratching. You can also usually see them inside the ears; they’re often described as looking like coffee grounds, and they can be treated with topical anti-parasitic medications. If left untreated, the infestation can cause disease, which can lead to hearing loss and balance issues.

What does a floppy ear on a dog mean?

Why is one of my German Shepherd’s ears floppy?

If only one of your German Shepherd’s ears is drooping, it could be caused by an infection or physical trauma.

Ear infections can be bacterial or fungal, and they can affect both the inner or outer ear. They are most often picked up after exposure to water, and the inflammation can cause the affected ear to droop.

Other symptoms can include redness, swelling, irritation, discharge, and excessive head shaking or scratching at the ear. Vets can treat ear infections with antibacterial or antifungal medications, but they need to be treated quickly before they spread or cause permanent damage.

Physical trauma to the ears can also cause them to droop. The most common trauma that causes changes to the shape of the ears in German Shepherds are bites from fighting with other dogs. If your dog has a visible injury to their ear, you should take them to see their vet to check it over and dress any wounds to prevent infection.

My dog’s ears won’t stand up

The pinnae are the outer part of the ear. In dogs, these are either standing up or floppy, but can be of various sizes. When only one is erect and the other is floppy, it is a sign of concern for some guardians.

As we have stated above, it is normal for puppies to have floppy ears according to their breed. However, this can be difficult to tell with a mixed-breed dog since we dont know if they are supposed to have erect ears or not. It may even be possible for two litter mates to have different degrees of ear floppiness. This is due to the genetic inheritance of their parents.

If you know your puppy should have standing ears and they have reached the stage of development when this should have happened, it is important to know there may be a problem. One of the most important is diet. Puppies will need a specific type of nutrition to grow properly. When they are not fed enough protein and other vital nutrients, it is possible one or more of their ears will remain floppy.

There are also some medical conditions which prevents their ears from standing erect. We will detail these the following sections. One factor which might mean your dogs ears dont stand up is due to ear cropping. In dogs which should have erect ears, some owner cut the otherwise long ear off. In these cases, even if the dog should have erect ears, you might not be able to tell.

Our article on how to massage your dogs ears wont stop them drooping, but it can help you to relax them when they need it.

What does a floppy ear on a dog mean?

My DOG Has a FLOPPY EAR (Causes and Solutions ✅)

German Shepherds have an instantly recognizable look; their black and tan coats, their distinct markings, and their pricked ears. Pricked ears are a part of the American Kennel Club’s standard for the breed, so, what does it mean if you’re German Shepherd’s ears are floppy?

Well, there are a few different possible explanations. Causes can vary from age-related to genetic and medical issues.

Let’s take a look at why your German Shepherd’s ears may be floppy, and when to do something about it.