What does it mean when my dog licks my legs? Let’s Explore

Your Dog Is Grooming You

Just like dogs like to groom each other, they want to groom their humans, too. If you have bare legs, this could be their way of helping you take a shower. If your leg is uncovered, it’s pretty fair game for a bath session.

Dogs that groom your legs might also lick your arms or face—or any exposed part of you because they think they’re helpful to you. Grooming is a profoundly social activity that dogs do with one another to interact with those they love.

It’s a pack-mentality thing, and you’re in the club. Consider yourself lucky.

What does it mean when my dog licks my legs?

They’re Using It to Cope

If you have an anxious dog, it may lick your legs to calm itself. The act of licking helps dogs boost their endorphin level, thus helping to settle them.

Aside from leg licking, signs that your dog has anxiety include:

Therefore, if you notice that your dog licks your legs while also showing signs of nervousness, you should take him to the vet. Just as with humans, anxiety disorder medications can help a dog manage its uneasy ways.

The ideal world for your dog would be for you to be with him 24/7, constantly showering him with love and attention.

Although he wants your attention all the time, you probably notice that your dog appears extra needy trying to get your attention when you’ve been gone for longer than usual or are extra distracted. In that case, he might resort to licking your legs.

If your dog successfully gets a walk or playtime from you when he licks your legs, there’s a high chance he’ll pick up the habit. So, perhaps dogs licking their owners’ legs is one of the reasons that researchers found dog owners walk 22 minutes more per day than non-dog owners.

#4: Grooming

Have you observed a mother dog and her pups? Licking is part of their lives.

It is not just to clean the pups. A mama dog licks to encourage urination and defecation.

The mother dog licks her pups to groom them.

When they lick you, they treat you as part of the pack.

You are part of their family, as they are of yours. Essentially, grooming you is another way of showing you their affection.

Why does my dog lick my legs?

You’re watching TV or reading. Suddenly, your dog comes to you and licks your legs. (And the same can happen right after you’ve taken a shower). This seems like a normal thing that dogs do. But why? In this article you will discover: