What does it mean when your dog sits behind you? Simple and Effective Tips

Why does my dog sit behind me?

Your dog sits behind you for reasons such as wanting to be close, rubbing their scent on you, being protective or sick, showing affection, looking for a safe zone, keeping themselves warm, having no space, lacking boundaries, or you’re reinforcing the behavior.

#2: You’re their human shield

What does it mean when your dog sits behind you?

Another reason why your pooch sits behind you is because they’re looking for a safe zone.

The cat is bullying me again.”

Every time your cat’s being mean with your dog, your pooch pushes their way behind you to sit there instead.

Somehow, your dog sees you as a human shield that would defend them from the wrath of your kitty.

Okay, maybe you don’t have a cat. Instead, you may have children. And the kids keep on bothering your dog.

They may be playing with your dog’s tail, but your pooch would rather sleep.

So to get away from them, your dog runs behind you for comfort.

They know that you’ll stop the cat/kids from bothering them.

#9: Lack of boundaries

“My dog sits behind me, on my lap, my foot, and my face…”

Your dog’s invading your personal space. And it’s because there’s a lack of boundaries at your home.

Like this one in the video below.

So what causes this kind of behavior in dogs?

Puppies are the best time to train your dog on how to behave properly.

As early as possible, you must let them know the rules. And which actions are acceptable for you and the other members of the family.

If you fail to do so, they may become unruly as they mature.

You allowed your pooch to sit on your lap the first time. That’s why they thought it’s okay to sit behind you too.

(You adore your dog, so you let this one slide.)

The next thing you know… your dog’s sitting on your face when you’re lying down.

14 Signs Your Dog Doesn’t Love You (Even if You Think They Do)

There are several reasons your dog sits behind you on the couch. They may simply enjoy spending time with you, looking to you for protection, find it comfortable, or are trying to protect you. Remember, dogs are pack animals. They don’t view personal space the same way humans do.

Have you ever gone to sit on the couch, only to have your dog crawl in right behind you? Although this behavior may seem odd, it’s completely normal. Dogs demonstrate a lot of behaviors that might seem bizarre at first, but when you learn the reason behind why they do certain things, it begins to make sense.

There are several reasons your dog may sit behind you on the couch. We will go into each of those below. To figure out which reason is responsible for your dog’s behavior, it’s important to pay attention to their body language. Do they seem excited? Anxious? Scared? Analyzing their body language is crucial when getting to the bottom of this behavior.

Being between you and the couch may make your dog feel safe and protected. We need to remember that dogs are naturally den animals. They feel safe and secure in tight areas. That’s not to say they don’t like running around in an open field, but when they’re seeking safety, they want “tight corners.”

That’s why some dogs are obsessed with their crates. The crate is a safe area they can retreat to.

Along the same lines, your dog may sit behind you on the couch because they are afraid of something and want you to protect them.

Analyze the situation. Is there something out of the ordinary going on? Maybe a thunderstorm, a new kitchen appliance, or even something as small as a new plant? Is there an unknown visitor in the home? All these things (as small as some may appear) can cause fear.

Separation anxiety is the inability for a dog to cope with their owner’s absence. Dogs with separation anxiety tend to stay as close as possible to their owners. When walking, your dog will be right at your feet. When you sit, your dog will sit as close as possible to you.

When your dog sits behind you, it could be their way of expressing their separation anxiety.

When dogs are less active and suddenly become attached, it may be a sign that they are sick. This attachment could be expressed by sitting near or behind you on the couch. Many things can trigger illness, even a swift change in their diet.

Watch for other signs of illness, including a dry nose, loss of appetite, and diarrhea or vomiting. If you notice any of these, contact your vet ASAP.

Have you ever heard the term “watching over your shoulder”? That’s exactly what your dog could be doing.

If your dog seems alert as they sit behind you, they may be in a position to protect you. Dogs are possessive of many things, including their owners. When they sit behind you, they may be positioning themselves to react fast in a time of trouble.

When your dog sits right behind you on the couch, they may be claiming that spot as theirs. Dogs are possessive over what they believe is “theirs.” If they’ve made a habit of sitting in that spot, they may think it belongs to them.

The good news is you can train this belief out of them. However, it will take a lot of time and patience.