Your What does it mean when your dog sits next to you? Tips and Tricks

Why Do Dogs Sit So Close To Their Owner?

Also, dogs know how their owners feel so that means they can complement those feelings. For instance, a sort of comfort is shown when a dog sits next to you during a tiresome day.

Other than socializing, dogs may also want to protect you. Yet, sometimes it is a different story. According to Sandra Mitchell, DVM, dogs want to be close to you since they feel anxious and frightened.

Meanwhile, based on Dr. Mitchell, dogs sit with you because of their nature. Plus, they just love your affections and pets. But, the Dog Advisory Council explained that sudden clinginess could be a sign of illness. Well, sometimes that clinginess can be due to a cognitive decline called canine dementia.

12 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Sitting Close To You

If you are wondering why dogs sit with you, then you came to the right article. Take a look at the 12 reasons below.

Dogs like to form lasting bonds with their humans since it’s their instincts. According to Mary Burch, an animal behaviorist, dogs imprint on their humans. During that time, dogs recognize their owners as human role models. In that way, when a human sits, the dog happens to sit too.

According to Texas A&M University, dogs have an instinct to attack when provoked. That is the main reason why some dogs are trained to guard their owners’ homes against intruders.

Also, Michelle Szydlowski, a vet technician said that dogs’ guarding behavior means that you belong to their pack.

Dogs can be both caring and protective. According to the Keating Firm Law, dogs sit with you because they want to keep you safe.

Research from Arizona State University showed that dogs want to defend their humans. Moreover, they bark and whine nonstop when their human is in distress.

According to JoAnna Pendergrass, DVM, dogs’ clinginess is due to human training. She added that dogs learn with the way owners interact with them. For instance, they get used to owners always holding and petting them. As a result, dogs will always want to sit next to you.

Science suggested that dogs have deceptive behavior. Moreover, a study regarding canine behavior proved that claim. It was explained that dogs may lay at your feet because they want something.

Also, dogs may pretend to sit and then proceed to steal your food as you turn your back shortly.

It is normal for dogs to jump on you while feeding them. Yet, dogs sitting on you every time could mean an entirely different thing.

Dogs with attention-seeking behavior could invade your personal space 24/7. Also, excessive barking, whining, and fake limping are other forms of attention-seeking behavior.

When dogs sit next to you on the couch, it doesn’t mean that they miss you. Sometimes, dogs just want to mark their territory.

Dogs spread their scent to objects they like to claim. Further, that scent will tell other animals not to go near their marked territories.

Like humans, dogs can understand the feeling of jealousy too. A study about dogs’ emotions supported that claim. Based on research, canines know when they are being treated fairly. As a result, dogs may sit next to their owners the whole day to remind them of their presence.

Dogs get excited when they see you. Moreover, a dog that sits with its back on you is one way of showing trust and love.

Christina Donnelly, an animal expert said that jumping is also a sign of affection. Moreover, maintaining eye contact shows trust as well.

Separation anxiety is stressful for dogs. Research about canine anxiety stated that dogs taken from their litter before 60 days old are more likely to grow up anxious.

Yet, another study in 2018 stated that petting or sitting with your dog before leaving can ease their anxiety.

Mark Stickney, DVM said that a dog that constantly lies by your side may be showing signs of stress and lethargy.

Also, another study about dogs stated that they can sense certain diseases. Hence, the reason why dogs sit next to you might be because you are sick.

Cathy Gait, an animal health technician, stated that pets and praises reinforce positive behavior. For instance, petting dogs when they sit may encourage a repeat of that certain act.

The Humane Society explained that rewards are important. Moreover, giving treats during training enhances the repetition of a behavior. It can also be the reason why dogs always follow you.

How Do I Know Why My Dog is Sitting So Close To Me?

Now that we’ve defined a few key reasons why your dog sits so close to you, hopefully you can start to understand which reason it is. If your dog seems to be a velcro dog, this could explain their proximity to you.

If your dog seems alert, they could be protecting you. Maybe your dog is even sitting on you, in this case they could be marking their territory. Perhaps your dog is sitting close and staring at you, while begging for treats. And if none of these reasons make sense to you, maybe your dog just wants a comfortable seat or to warm up from the cold!

If you still don’t have your answer, below we’re going to discuss some things that probably wouldn’t explain why your dog sits right next to you.

What does it mean when a dog sits on you?

Why do dogs sit, sleep, and lay on your feet? Learn the meaning behind these and other ways dogs communicate.

Your dog probably has some pretty adorable (and equally annoying) behaviors that might seem odd to us humans. Maybe your pup is always beside you, or perhaps your dog constantly licks your face. For every seemingly strange action, there is at least one possible explanation. Womans Day spoke with veterinarians, animal advocates, and expert columnists to help demystify these dog behaviors. So, if you have ever wondered: Why do dogs lay on your feet?, then this is the perfect article to read (with Fido curled up by your slippers, of course).

When you adopt a dog, its important to familiarize yourself with the breeds tendencies and behaviors so you are equipped to respond when your dog is trying to tell you something. After all, they may be laying on your feet for a totally cute and lovable reason, but they may also be trying to tell you something critical, like they are overheating or sense something bad is about to happen. You want to know the meaning behind your dogs behavior so you can adjust how you are training them if needed, or show them some extra love.

Dogs are incredibly smart creatures that act with intention — even if that intention is to catch a ball. When a dog lays on your feet, he or she is trying to tell you something important. Just like he or she is trying to tell you something when chewing up your favorite chair or urinating on the rug. No one said training a pup is easy, but this expert insight can help clue you in when it comes to your dogs brain.