What dog breeds have really long tails? Here’s What to Expect

The 15 Dog Breeds with Long Tails:

What dog breeds have really long tails?

Irish Wolfhounds are just huge dogs in general, so it makes sense that their tails would be massive, too. In fact, the longest tail ever measured was on one of these dogs.

Keon, a Belgian pup, had a tail that checked in at two-and-a-half feet long! We can only imagine how bad it must have hurt to get whacked by that thing (and how careful you had to be closing doors in Keon’s house).

  • Also see: Irish Wolfhound German Shepherd Mix
  • What dog breeds have really long tails?

    This one can be hard to spot, as Akitas have tails that curl back towards their bodies. You may even see some dogs that have a tail that piles up on their backs. If you hold that tail out straight, though, you’ll find that it can stretch out for quite some distance.

    The reason these dogs need such extensive appendages is due to their climate, as the long tail helps keep them warm when they curl up in the snow.

    Why do dogs wag their tails?

    Most, but not all, dogs have tails.

    Some breeds, such as Australian Shepherds and Pembroke Welsh Corgis, are born with nubby little flaps of fatty tissue, where the tail should be happily waving.

    Most experienced dog owners know dogs use their tails to communicate.

    Learning to read your dog’s tail is key to successfully communicating with your dog.

    Tails held high are usually a sign of an aware, alert dog.

    Tails tucked low or between the legs usually indicate a dog feeling threatened or is a frightened, nervous dog.

    Bristled tails are usually a sign a dog is on defense.

    Why do dogs wag their tails, and does the wagging direction mean anything? Some behaviorists even believe how a dog wags their tail from left to right or vice-versa indicates their familiarity with who they are meeting or greeting. Wagging from the left side to the right side means a stranger. Right to left means the dog recognizes you.

    Wagging in circles usually means the dog is happy or excited. When your dog wags his tail while lying down, it means he’s content. When your dog holds his tail up and still, it means he’s wary.

    Do German shepherds have long tails?

    Physical Characteristics. With their pointed ears, bushy tails, and long snouts, German Shepherds have a look that’s easy to recognize.

    All Rottweilers Are Born with Long Tails – TRUE or FALSE

    A truly gigantic Irish Wolfhound has been awarded the Guinness World Record of having the longest dog tail on the planet – at over two-and-a-half feet of coffee-table-clearing power!

    The dog, named Keon, was measured by a vet, who proclaimed the tail to be 30.2 inches long from tip to base, not including the hair. This means Keon beat the previous record (held by a fellow Wolfhound) by 1.7 inches.

    Keon lives with his family in Westerlo in Belgium. His owner says Keon’s name is Irish, and means ‘courageous warrior’, although in truth the dog is very much a gentle giant!