It’s inefficient because instead of spending energy getting from Point A to Point B on the ground, a high stepping dog spends at least half of the same energy going vertical instead of horizontal. This would be fine if the dog was climbing a ladder, but when herding sheep or pulling a sled, not so much, and the end result is that the dog tires quickly.
In a horse, a hackney gait (seen at the left) is characterized by a “high kick,” or a pronounced flexion of the knee, but in dog breeds where that particular gait is considered a fault, it’s caused by a dog having more angulation and drive in his rear than in his front. Instead of overreaching, the dog uses extra high and extra quick action of his forelegs to keep his front feet out of the way of the back ones. It results in bouncy movement which is completely inefficient – and indeed, compensatory movement for many breeds.
A hackney gait is correct for the Miniature Pinscher. For a working or herding dog, no!
What is a dog run called?
Zoomies, or Frenetic Random Activity Periods (FRAPs), refer to those unmistakable explosions of energy that dogs have on occasion. Zoomies often feature frantic, repetitive behavior such as running in circles or spinning around.
‘Hackney Gait’ of the Miniature Pinscher
Hackney Horse
The name hackney gait of the Miniature Pinscher derives its name from the hackney horse on the left. At a trot, this hackney gait is an exaggerated high wrist, knee and hock action due to very good flexion of the joints.
Miniature Pinscher
This action should be straight and true with a distinct pause or moment of suspension at the top of each stride. The front legs should reach up high with sharply bent wrists that are stretched well forward with ground covering strides. Combine this with a similar high stepping action of the hind legs at the knees that are well propelled underneath the dog with a similar exaggeration, we have the hackney gait. Whilst correct for a Miniature Pinscher, it is incorrect when seen in most other breeds.