What domestic dog has the strongest bite force? Essential Tips

What is the Strongest Animal Bite in the World?

It is widely accepted that the strongest animal bite in the world is currently held by the Nile Crocodile. However, there are many other animals that possess a powerful bite force as well.

The Nile crocodile is a large reptile that can be found throughout sub-Saharan Africa. It is the largest crocodile species currently in existence and can grow to lengths of up to 20 feet (6 meters). The Nile crocodile has a reputation for being a man-eater and is responsible for hundreds of human deaths each year.

The Nile crocodile can generate a bite force of up to 2,868 PSI. This is more than twice the bite force of a tiger, which is currently the second strongest predator on land.

A bite from a Nile crocodile is so powerful that it can easily crush bones and pierce through flesh. The only known predator of the Nile crocodile is the hippopotamus, which is also one of the most dangerous animals in Africa.

The land animal with the strongest canine teeth belongs to the hyena. The spotted hyena has a bite force of up to 1,100 PSI. This is nearly double the bite force of a large dog, such as a mastiff!

  • The Nile Crocodile has the strongest bite of any living animal.
  • The gorilla has the strongest bite force of any primate.
  • The hippopotamus has the strongest recorded bite force of any land mammal.
  • The spotted hyena has the strongest canine teeth of any land mammal.
  • The walrus has the second strongest bite of any mammal, after the hippopotamus.
  • Kim SE, Arzi B, Garcia TC, Verstraete FJM. Bite Forces and Their Measurement in Dogs and Cats. Front Vet Sci. 2018;5:76. Published 2018 Apr 13. doi:10.3389/fvets.2018.00076

    Colline Brassard, Marilaine Merlin, Claude Guintard, Elodie Monchâtre-Leroy, Jacques Barrat, Nathalie Bausmayer, Stéphane Bausmayer, Adrien Bausmayer, Michel Beyer, André Varlet, Céline Houssin, Cécile Callou, Raphaël Cornette, Anthony Herrel; Bite force and its relationship to jaw shape in domestic dogs. J Exp Biol 15 August 2020; 223 (16): jeb224352. doi: https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.224352

    Ellis JL, Thomason J, Kebreab E, Zubair K, France J. Cranial dimensions and forces of biting in the domestic dog. J Anat. 2009;214(3):362-373. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7580.2008.01042.x

    Meet The Dog With The Strongest Bite In The World – The Turkish Kangal – 743 PSI

    What domestic dog has the strongest bite force?

    The Kangal Shepherd is a Turkish breed of dog that is known for its large size and impressive strength. With a bite force of 743 PSI, this breed is the undisputed king of the canine world when it comes to raw power. Typically used to protect against wolves, bears, and jackals in its native Turkey due to its intimidating size and capabilities as an effective guardian.

    While all of these breeds are incredibly strong, the Kangal takes the top spot as the dog with the strongest bite in the world. With a force that is more than three times that of an average dog, this breed can take down prey much larger than itself. So, if you are looking for a dog that is not only powerful but also fearless, the Kangal is the breed for you!

    What domestic dog has the strongest bite force?

    Bite force is actually really hard to measure in animals as there are many factors affecting the readings, including the fact that you can’t ask an animal to bite down on a device to gauge the force exerted!

    The main factors affecting the bite forces in dogs and cats are body weight and the skull’s morphology and size. In other words, jaw shape plays a huge part in how strong a bite is. Other factors such as oral pain, TMJ disorders, masticatory muscle atrophy, and malocclusion may also affect bite force. So when measuring bite force in dogs, it is usually estimated taking these factors into account.

    What domestic dog has the strongest bite force?

    1 Alano Español (227 psi)

    Many people have never even heard of the Alano Español, let alone know enough about them to be worried about their bites. Known as the Spanish Bulldog, this breed traveled the world with Spanish explorers from the 14th century on, and they were prized for their courageousness in battle.

    This is a large breed, often tipping the scales at 90 pounds. They’re known for having dominant personalities but being submissive to their owners, and they’re best left to those with significant experience training large breeds.

    What Breeds Of Dogs Have The Strongest Bite?

    First, the dog breed with the strongest bite force isn’t the American pit bull terrier, to many people’s surprise. Indeed, the pitbull is not even in the top 10, and neither are the German Shepherd or the Doberman all thought to be dogs with serious bites. Even the bite force of wolves, at around 400 pounds per square inch of force, or psi isn’t the strongest. What dogs with strong bites do have in common are muscular jaws and tenacity. They tend to have broad heads that let a person see how big their jaw muscles actually are and how they attach to the skull. Still, even the most powerful of these dogs can’t snap the human femur in two. That requires about 1700 psi, and no dog’s bite force is that high. The dog breeds are listed from less strong to strongest bites.