What happens during a dog’s first heat cycle? What to Know


You might notice your female dog excessively licking her genital area. This can indicate that she is cleaning herself and is in heat.

When does a female dog first come into heat?

Puberty or sexual maturity in the female dog usually occurs around nine or ten months of age. Smaller breeds tend to go into estrus or heat earlier, even as early as four months of age in some females, while in large and giant breeds, it can take up to two years. For many dogs, the first heat is silent or does not have clinical signs associated with estrus. Additionally, many dogs first estrus cycle is unlikely to allow successful breeding, therefore the standard practice is to wait until the second or third heat cycle before breeding.

How Often Do Dogs Go Into Heat?

Similar to the start time, the exact frequency of estrus depends on your dog’s size, breed, and age. Female dogs who have not been spayed go into heat twice a year, around every 6 months. Each heat cycle lasts around 18 days, for generally anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks.Â

The frequency depends on your dog, but her estrus cycles should be consistent. If these are inconsistent, your vet can determine if your dog has irregular seasons.

As your dog gets older, the frequency of her seasons may slow down. However, she will be going into heat for her whole life. Even though she goes into heat less often, she can still get pregnant.

The canine estrus cycle has four stages:

1.Proestrus: The beginning of heat lasts between 7 and 10 days. During this time, the vulva begins to swell and your dog begins to bleed. She will start attracting male dogs, but she isn’t ready to mate yet.

2.Estrus: This is the mating period of the estrus cycle. It lasts 5 to 10 days. Bleeding may reduce or stop. Your dog is ready to mate during this time.Â

3.Diestrus: This period lasts anywhere from 10 to 140 days. Your dog is either pregnant during this time or she is in a period of rest.

4.Anestrus: This is the period of downtime before the next heat cycle, lasting around 6 months.Â

If your dog is in heat, she’ll require a bit of extra supervision and care. She’ll be feeling hormonal. Keeping her entertained and distracted will help relieve some of her anxiety and discomfort. Extra walks will also help her to reduce stress.Â

Not only will she be attracting male dogs, but she’ll be attracted back! To avoid pregnancy, you’ll probably want to keep her away from other non-neutered dogs. This is true even in your own household.Â

If you’re worried about your dog bleeding around the house, you can create a limited space for her to roam in. This usually means restricting her to easy-to-clean areas without carpeted floors or upholstered furniture.Â

Creating a nest for your dog to nap in with towels to catch the blood will help prevent any accidents from occurring. Doggie diapers can also help control bleeding accidents.

Your dog’s needs while she is in heat may vary. This can be a challenge and a big responsibility. If you want to avoid pregnancy, you can have your dog surgically sterilized before her first season. Since the timing of the first heat cycle varies, these procedures are recommended before she is 6-months old.

4 Stages of Dog Heat Cycle (may be graphic)

When a female dog is “in heat,” it means that the dog is ready to breed and become pregnant. The proper term for this stage of a female dogs reproductive cycle is estrus. While most dog owners who do not plan on using the dog for breeding choose to have their female dog spayed, if you have recently adopted an intact female dog or do want to breed the dog, you should know what to expect when your dog comes into heat.

A dog in heat may exhibit signs including bloody discharge, receptiveness to male dogs, agitated behavior, and much more. An unspayed female dog going through a heat cycle will experience different symptoms in each of the four phases. A bloody discharge is the most common sign a dog is in heat, but its not the only sign indicating your pooch is ready to mate. Having an unspayed dog—especially if you also have an intact male dog—in your home can be a challenge, but knowing what to expect can help prevent problems from arising.