What happens if a dog eats vanilla? Here’s What to Expect

What is Vanilla?

Vanilla is a spice derived from orchids of the genus of the same name. The vanilla orchid is a vine-like plant that grows up trees. The plant part that is used is the pod, commonly referred to as the bean.

Vanilla is a powerful ingredient, and there are a variety of forms and uses. There are a couple of main species used to produce the vanilla beans grown around the world for culinary use. They have subtle differences in their flavors and aromas and the Madagascan bean is the most popular variety.

When the beans are harvested they go through a long drying process and, from there, they can be used in a variety of different ways.

  • Vanilla beans: Each long, thin vanilla pod contains thousands of tiny seeds within their shell. These are purchased whole and dried, and the seeds are scraped out of the pod to be added as a natural flavoring.
  • Vanilla powder: Created from ground-up, dried vanilla beans. It is commonly used as a natural sweetener.
  • Vanilla extract: This is a concentrated liquid solution made by soaking vanilla pods in water and alcohol for about two months. It is used more often in baking than the beans themselves as it is less expensive and more convenient.
  • Vanilla bean paste: This a combination of vanilla powder and concentrated vanilla extract.
  • Vanilla flavoring: This is also known as “imitation vanilla,” and is made from synthetic vanillin and other ingredients to mimic the taste of real vanilla.
  • Is it Safe to Feed Your Dog Vanilla?

    So, if your dog was to snaffle a vanilla pod and eat it, it is unlikely to cause any major problems, other than, possibly, a bit of an upset tummy.

    However, if they were to counter surf and drink a bottle full of vanilla extract, this could be much more problematic.

    Vanilla extract and flavoring are toxic to dogs due to the high alcohol content and drinking even part of a bottle could be a serious health risk, especially for smaller dogs.

    While cakes and other foods that use vanilla extract are unlikely to contain enough to cause a problem (usually only a few drops are used in baking), feeding your dog cakes and other sweet deserts isnt something to be encouraged.

    The high quantities of sugar could present a problem in terms of obesity, diabetes, and dental health. Baked goods also often contain a lot of rich ingredients including dairy, and this can lead to stomach upsets. Most seriously, artificial sweeteners like xylitol are often added, and this is highly toxic for dogs, even in very small quantities. Plus, chocolate and raisins are not uncommon in cakes, and these too are toxic.

    Is Vanilla Extract Safe For Dogs?

    We use vanilla extract in most of our desert, and it is commonly found in the stores. But, it is not recommended for canines.

    Extraction of vanilla occurs by filtering them from a mixture of alcohol and water. It has high alcohol content, which makes it too toxic to dogs.

    The dog’s digestive system is unable to breakdown alcohol. It can cause alcohol poisoning. Smaller dogs like Chihuahua or pugs are at a higher risk of alcohol poisoning.

    Ice creams, cakes, and other desserts have two or three drops of vanilla extract. This amount won’t be a problem. But, feeding sweets to your canine friend isn’t encouraged.

    What happens if a dog eats vanilla ice cream?

    Vanilla is a part of our baked goods for ages. It has gained popularity across the world because of its unique taste and aroma. There are chances that your dog has already taken a lick of it. But, can dogs eat vanilla? Is it even safe?

    Simple answer, yes your dog can have vanilla but in moderation, as it isn’t too nutritious for your dog

    There are times where you must have given a taste of your vanilla ice cream to your dog. If you are wondering if it was a good idea or not. Then this article is for you!

    There are many forms of vanilla available in the market. But, some of the forms are potentially harmful to your dog because it has toxic ingredients.

    In this article, we will discuss if your canine friend can eat vanilla without any problem. And what types are not suitable.