What happens if my dog eats food with maggots? Here’s the Answer

My dog ate a dead animal with maggots on it

Whether it’s a squirrel or something larger, maggots will happily feast on a dead animal as a food source, and your dog will come along and gobble it all up. The maggots themselves are going to be irrelevant, as strange as it sounds.

The issue with this is going to be in the fact that a dead animal is most often starting to rot. The rotting flesh/meat is what can harbor bacteria and create an infection in your dog. Anything that rots is dangerous for dogs (or humans, for that matter).

The main risk potentially from roadkill is the disease that it could carry. Since roadkill isn’t vaccinated, they could be carrying any number of diseases and parasites that can, through the maggots, infect your dog.

What to do if my dog eats maggots?

If your dog ate maggots, you are wondering what you should do. In many cases, all you need to do is watch and wait. In other cases, you may need to visit the vet.

If your dog ate maggots in their dog food, all you need to do is keep an eye on them. If they have eaten a large amount of maggots, they may experience some stomach upset. It should subside quickly, and there shouldn’t be any lingering symptoms.

If your dog ate trash, you don’t have much to worry about. Watch for signs of gastrointestinal upset, but it shouldn’t cause any problems. If your dog gets severe nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, make an appointment with your vet.

If your dog ate poop with maggots, the concern is what was in the poop. If it’s poop from another dog that’s free of parasites, you have little to worry about. If it was from an unknown animal, it’s best to get a check-up to make sure your pooch didn’t pick up a parasite.

There are some instances where it’s wise to take your dog to the vet. If your dog ate a dead animal, it’s best to get them checked out. If they ingested harmful bacteria, you can expect them to have vomitting and diarrhea. They may need medication. If they get an infection from the dead animal, they will need antibiotics.

The other concern, again, is parasites. Dead wild animals are more likely to carry parasites than domestic animals who are typically dewormed. Contracting intestinal parasites isn’t an emergency, but they can make your dog sick over time. Your vet can perform a test to check for parasites. If your dog has contracted one, dewormer will be given.

No matter where your dog picked up the maggots, take them to the vet if they are severely sick. Fever, racing heart, heavy panting, frequent vomiting, and severe diarrhea are all signs that your pooch needs prompt veterinary attention.

Can dogs get sick eating maggots?

Maggots are not considered safe for dogs to eat because they can contain parasites and other harmful bacteria which can make your dog sick.

My Dog Ate Maggots What Do I Do?

Maggots are the larval form of the fly. They live in rotting food and decomposing matter. Moreover, maggots eat organic material, such as dead animals, rotten fruit, and vegetables.

Grubs feed on this material and can break it down quickly, which is helpful for natural decomposition. Maggots can clean wounds by eating the dead tissue. They are also used to help clean up after surgery by eating the bacteria-laden tissues left behind.