What is the difference between a Bernese mountain dog and a greater Swiss mountain dog? Here’s What to Expect

Bernese Mountain Dog vs Greater Swiss Mountain Dog: Trainability

Bernese Mountain Dogs are incredibly easy to train if you give them time to process the task at hand. Most importantly, they have a positive outlook on life and thrive on praise and reward.

Although the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is normally easy to train, it is critical to begin obedience training and socializing with the Swissy as soon as possible. Additionally, anticipate a lengthy puppyhood, as the Swissy is slow to mature, both physically and intellectually, and can remain puppy-like in personality until they reach the age of three.

What is the difference between a Bernese mountain dog and a greater Swiss mountain dog?

Key Differences Between Bernese Mountain Dog vs Greater Mountain Dog

What is the difference between a Bernese mountain dog and a greater Swiss mountain dog?

There are many differences between Bernese Mountain Dogs and Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs. Both breeds are Swiss worker dogs. Swiss and Bernese Mountain Dogs are similar in appearance, with thick bones and powerful muscles. Both breeds are highly regarded for their familial commitment and affectionate dispositions. However, there are some distinctions to consider, particularly if you’re considering adopting one of these magnificent breeds. Let’s explore…

What is the difference between a Bernese mountain dog and a greater Swiss mountain dog?


What is the difference between a Bernese mountain dog and a greater Swiss mountain dog?

Socialization is important in raising any dog, but it is especially important for Bernese Mountain Dogs and Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs.

These breeds are known for being aloof and suspicious of strangers, so it is important to introduce them to new people and new situations from a young age.

The best way to socialize your dog is to expose them to as many new people, places, and experiences as possible.

Take them for walks in different neighborhoods, introduce them to new friends and family members, and sign up for obedience classes or dog socialization groups.

With proper socialization, Bernese Mountain Dogs and Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs can be friendly, outgoing dogs.

Bernese Mountain Dog vs. Greater Swiss Mountain Dog: The Difference

Both in the Working Group of dog breeds, the Swiss Mountain Dog and Bernese Mountain Dog seem to have many physical similarities. As such, they can be hard to differentiate. They share similar markings and coloring. Even their build is similar. The Bernese Mountain Dog is a fluffy, slightly smaller version of the Swiss Mountain Dog, but they have the same distinct white blaze on their forehead, white feet, and black and red fur interspersed on their legs, body, and face.