Here Are 5 of the Best Heartworm Preventatives for Dogs
Most dog owners have already heard of Advantage and Advantage II – two popular flea treatments. Advantage Multi uses an ingredient known as Moxidectin to prevent heartworms. In addition to this, it is capable of controlling other types of worms including whipworms, hookworms, and roundworms, as well as sarcoptic mange and fleas. That’s an impressive SIX different parasites that are commonly found on dogs.
Advantage Multi is a topical application that must be administered monthly. Although waterproof, manufacturers recommend that you don’t apply the treatment until your dog has been dry for at least 90 minutes after bathing, swimming, or being out in the rain. Failing to meet this recommendation could compromise the effectiveness of the preventative.
Often considered the gold standard of heartworm preventatives, HeartGard Plus uses the proven combination of Pyrantel and Ivermectin to completely destroy any heartworm larvae before they can mature into adults, as well as two different species of roundworms and three different species of hookworms. It has also shown to be effective in dealing with mange and lice.
Heartgard Plus must also be given monthly without fail otherwise your pet could be left vulnerable to heartworm infection. With a real beefy flavor, this chewable tablet can be hidden in your dog’s usual food although many canines will happily take the tablet as a treat.
If you are concerned about the cost of your pet’s heartworm preventative, you will be pleased to know that there is a budget-friendly option. Tri-Heart Plus is typically found to be around 20% cheaper than HeartGard Plus which is the nearest competitor to this product. The ingredients in Tri-Hart Plus are Ivermectin and Pyrantel, which are also the same as those used in HeartGard Plus. These are very effective at preventing heartworm infestations when administered on time. The delicious texture and easy application as a chewable tablet make Tri-Heart Plus a serious contender for cost-effective heartworm medicines for dogs.
The chicken-flavored chewable monthly preventative, Interceptor Plus, is a popular alternative to the better-known Heartgard anti-heartworm medication. The main ingredient is Milbemycin Oxime which is anthelminthic. This means that in addition to acting against heartworms, it can also keep your pet safe from hookworms, whipworms, roundworms, and tapeworms.
If you are concerned about remembering to give your dog a monthly preventative, you may wish to consider choosing ProHeart 6 to protect your canine pal against heartworms. ProHeart 6 is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for the prevention of heartworms and is effective for six months at a time. However, it can only be administered by your veterinarian.
Although primarily known for protecting dogs from heartworm, it also acts against sarcoptic mange and other types of parasitic worm, including whipworm, roundworm, and hookworm.
There you have it folks – five of the best heartworm medications for dogs. However, any preventative is only as good as the person administering it. Failing to give your pet the full dose, being late, or skipping a dose is likely to put your furbaby at risk of developing heartworm disease.
If you would like more help and advice on finding the best heartworm medicine for your dog, please contact Your Family Veterinarian in Orlando today by calling our clinic on (407) 568-9663.
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A-Z-Animals Top Picks for Heartworm Prevention for Dogs
Heartgard Plus Chews are among the most popular choices from veterinarians and they’re our top choice as well. These tasty beef-flavored chews are designed to prevent heartworms before they start. In addition, Heartgard controls roundworms and hookworms.
Pet parents are expected to give dogs these chews once a month. It’s important to note that though they are safe for puppies over six weeks old and pregnant canines, Collies tend to have sensitivities to heartworm medication. With that being said, Heartgard is safe for Collies when given an accurate dose.
We also want to mention that there are side effects with Heartgard just like any other heartworm medication. The most common with the beef-flavored chews is diarrhea and vomiting. Side effects usually occur within the first 24 hours of consumption. Please contact your vet if your pooch is experiencing these or any other side effects.
Because of its proven effective mix and delectable meat flavor, Heartgard Plus Chew for Dogs is the best overall heartworm treatment for dogs. It’s also incredibly easy to give to your pup and is reasonably priced in comparison to its competitors. Overall Best
The Dangers of Heartworm Disease in Canines
Heartworms in Dogs can cause serious health problems. There are no obvious or measurable indicators of heartworm infection in a dog when first affected. A blood test will first fail to detect heartworms.
The alterations in dogs occur during the heartworm larval’s final molt when young larvae enter the right ventricle and surrounding blood arteries. When you notice indicators of heartworms in your dog, it’s because of two things:
Another issue that some animals suffer is an allergy to heartworms or microfilariae, which can produce various symptoms comparable to allergies or asthma.
The arterial lining of your pet will begin to deteriorate within days. To cure the damage, the body causes inflammation of the artery and additional inflammation in the surrounding area.
Unfortunately, heartworms cause harm faster than the body’s ability to repair. The arteries develop characteristics that are diagnostic of heartworm illness over time, and these changes are often visible on X-rays. The vessels dilate and become convoluted. Blood clots and aneurysms are common adverse effects, and small blood vessels might block completely.