What kind of dog is on the frontline commercial? Essential Tips

Bolsonaro supporters have been protesting against Lula’s electoral win since Oct. 30, blocking roads, setting vehicles on fires and gathering outside military buildings, asking armed forces to intervene. Many believed election results were fraudulent or unreliable.

Bolsonaro, who flew to the U.S. ahead of Lula’s inauguration, has not yet condemned or commented on the ongoing situation.

Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco said he was in permanent contact with Brasilia’s governor, Ibaneis Rocha, and that the entire police apparatus had been mobilized to control the situation.

Thousands of demonstrators bypassed security barricades, climbed on the roofs, broke windows and invaded all three buildings, which are connected through the vast Three Powers square in Brasilia. Some are calling for a military intervention to restore the far-right Bolsonaro to power.

s on TV channel Globo News showed protesters roaming the presidential palace, many of them wearing green and yellow, the colors of the flag that have also come to symbolize the Bolsonaro government.

This dog is eager to play frisbee with his friends, so he texts them to see if they can come outside to play. Fluffy the cat is afraid of fleas and ticks, so she and her the other canine want to stay indoors. But their friend reminds them that they are protected from fleas, ticks, flea eggs and flea larvae because they have Frontline Plus. Now, this pup just has to convince Fluffy to stop being a scaredy cat!

How many who saw this cute ad realized the concerned pup wasn’t a mutt, but an uncommon, and centuries old breed?

The dog is a Berger Picard named Chester Gigolo (you can follow Chester on his Facebook page). His breed (also known as the Picardy Shepherd) has been depicted as early as the 14th century and is thought by many to be the oldest of the French sheepdogs. Some even claim the breed came to France with Celtic invaders as early as 400 BC.


How many who saw this cute ad realized the concerned pup wasn’t a mutt, but an uncommon, and centuries old breed?

The dog is a Berger Picard named Chester Gigolo (you can follow Chester on his Facebook page). His breed (also known as the Picardy Shepherd) has been depicted as early as the 14th century and is thought by many to be the oldest of the French sheepdogs. Some even claim the breed came to France with Celtic invaders as early as 400 BC.