What kind of dogs have black mouths? Essential Tips

What Causes the Black Coloring on My Dog’s Tongue and Gums?

Black coloring on your dog’s tongue and/or gums is typically just extra pigmentation.

Dogs That Can Have Black Spots on Tongues and Gums

The following list is comprised of a variety of dog breeds. Only the Chow Chow and Shar Pei are specifically bred to have black mouths. Other dogs may be born that way simply from genetics. Also, there seems to a dogs who have black points that will go on to grow into darker mouths.

The following is a partial list of common breeds with the potential to have dark spots on the tongue, gums and inside the mouth

Signs and Symptoms of Gum Disease in Dogs

Pink gums are easier to test for things like capillary refill time. Testing for this is really just the process of finding out how long it takes the color of your dog’s tongue to return to normal after applying pressure to the tissue.

This is test is quick and painless. All you have to do is lift your dog’s upper lip and press a finger into his/her gums for a few seconds.

In a healthy dog, the blood should come rushing back to the site within seconds of removing your finger. Pale, sticky gums may indicate your dog is dehydrated, anemic, or has other underlying health conditions.

The problem is that you can’t perform the test on a dog with black gums. Instead, you can get the same results by lifting your dog’s eyelids. The inside borders of the gums should be healthy, pink-like color.

This coloration could also be caused by cyanosis. Cyanosis is the darkening of the tongue, gums or palate due to insufficient oxygen circulation in the blood. Cyanosis can be a symptom of heart or respiratory disease. Any dog that is displaying symptoms of cyanosis should be evaluated immediately by a veterinarian. ADVERTISEMENT

It is believed that melanin is the skin’s natural response to ultraviolet radiation as it is able to dissipate nearly 99.9 percent of harmful UV rays. It is normal for these malinin areas inside the mouth to spread to the tongue or change shape as a dog matures. However, it is important to check these malinin areas regularly for bumps or raised surfaces. Normal malinin areas should be smooth and flat. Dogs with bumpy or raised malinin surfaces should be taken to a local veterinarian as soon as possible, as this may be a symptom of melanoma. It is important to also seek medical advice if a black tongue or gums is noticed in a breed of dog that is not predisposed to this physical trait.

Dogs that have a black palate include the chow chow, the Pyrenean mountain dog, the Pyrenean shepherd and the Estrela mountain dog. The black palate is a genetic predisposition and is caused by darker skin pigments called melanin granules.

Black Mouth Cur: Everything You Need To Know – Is It the Right Dog for You?

Dogs that have a black palate include the chow chow, the Pyrenean mountain dog, the Pyrenean shepherd and the Estrela mountain dog. The black palate is a genetic predisposition and is caused by darker skin pigments called melanin granules.

It is believed that melanin is the skin’s natural response to ultraviolet radiation as it is able to dissipate nearly 99.9 percent of harmful UV rays. It is normal for these malinin areas inside the mouth to spread to the tongue or change shape as a dog matures. However, it is important to check these malinin areas regularly for bumps or raised surfaces. Normal malinin areas should be smooth and flat. Dogs with bumpy or raised malinin surfaces should be taken to a local veterinarian as soon as possible, as this may be a symptom of melanoma. It is important to also seek medical advice if a black tongue or gums is noticed in a breed of dog that is not predisposed to this physical trait.

This coloration could also be caused by cyanosis. Cyanosis is the darkening of the tongue, gums or palate due to insufficient oxygen circulation in the blood. Cyanosis can be a symptom of heart or respiratory disease. Any dog that is displaying symptoms of cyanosis should be evaluated immediately by a veterinarian. ADVERTISEMENT