What should I do if my dog eats a tide pod? Get Your Pet Thinking

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What should I do if my dog eats a tide pod?

Treatment of Detergent Pod in Dogs

The treatment for soap or detergent ingestion depends on the type of chemicals ingested and how much of the mouth, esophagus and stomach are involved. There is no specific antidote. The primary treatment is to dilute the exposed site as much as possible.

The following guidelines are useful for immediate care prior to veterinary attention:

  • If soap or detergent has been ingested, the best initial treatment is to flush the mouth with large amounts of water to limit the damage.
  • DO NOT induce vomiting. Doing so may cause more harm as sensitive tissues are exposed to caustic or toxic chemicals again.
  • Call your veterinarian to determine the severity of the product ingested.
  • When these exposures occur, it is important to dilute the exposed site as much as possible—rinse the mouth, skin, or eyes until the slick, “soapy” feel is gone. Any persistent vomiting or respiratory signs should be evaluated by a veterinarian immediately. Respiratory patients should be evaluated for aspiration. There is no antidote for laundry pod exposure and any persistent clinical signs should be treated with symptomatic and supportive care. Consultation with Pet Poison Helpline is recommended following the ingestion of pod contents or severely symptomatic patients.

    The reason for the increased severity between pets exposed to laundry pods and pets simply licking product off the floor or off their fur is thought to be due to the way the product is formulated in the pod. When a pet bites into a pod, the product is both highly concentrated and under pressure from the bite. Therefore, when the pod is punctured, the detergents are forcefully expelled and may be easily aspirated or swallowed, often in large amounts. Theoretically, ingestion of multiple packets also pose a risk for a foreign body obstruction and erosive lesions from prolonged contact in the gut.

    Not surprisingly, Pet Poison Helpline has noticed some severe clinical sings in dogs and cats exposed to these pods as well. Of the cases reported to the Pet Poison Helpline over the past 2 years, 72.19% of pets developed clinical signs. In order of prevalence, 84.4% of symptomatic cases experienced vomiting, 21.48% experienced cough, 17% experienced lethargy, and 13.3% experienced dyspnea, wheezing, or other respiratory irritation.

    Most soaps and detergents contain chemicals called ionic and anionic surfactants. When a small amount of such products are ingested, it is possible for pets to respond to the unpleasant taste or to have mild, self-limiting gastrointestinal upset (drooling, vomiting, and diarrhea).

    However, a new danger seems to be presenting. It was first noticed that young children were developing serious respiratory issues after biting into the highly concentrated, pre-packaged laundry detergent pods (some that look like candy and come in brightly colored packages).

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