What should not be eaten when dog bites? Find Out Here


S.No Taboos related to dog bite Frequency (n=275) Percentage
1 Restrictions required following dog bite
Yes 232 84.4
No 18 6.5
Don’t know 25 9.1
2 Things to be avoided* (N=275)
Non-vegetarian 189 68.7
Chicken only 76 27.6
Oil 38 13.8
Greens 06 2.1
Some vegetables 54 19.6
Nothing 18 6.5
Don’t know 25 9.0
Alcohol 05 1.8
Salt 2 0.7
3 History of dog bite in your family
Yes 58 21.1
No 217 78.9
4 Restrictions followed after dog bite (N=58)
Yes 47 81.0
No 11 19.0
5 Food items avoided following dog bite* (N = 58)
Non-vegetarian 36 62
Chicken in specific 27 46.5
Oil 05 8.6
Greens 01 1.7
Some vegetable 15 25.9
Nothing 11 19
Salt 01 1.7
6 Person providing advice regarding food restrictions (N=47)
Family members, relatives & friends 44 93.6
Medial professional 3 6.4

Association between taboos related to dog bite and background characteristics: In this study, illiterates and those who are educated up to high school (95.3%) were more at risk of lack of knowledge regarding misconception on food restriction following animal bite compared to those who had diplomas or college education (86.7%), with an Odds Ratio of 3.1 (1.2-8.4 CI), the association was found to be statistically significant (x2- 5.8, p< 0.02) [ ].

I was bitten by a house Siberian Husky. The pup is 8 months old and is not vaccinated for rabies. I used to visit it everyday. It is normal and drink water. I was given only tetanus as I am allergic to the antirabies vaccine which was administered and discovered 10 years ago when I had a dog bite. Can I eat all kinds of non-vegetarian foods, curds, citric and acidic food, ice creams and chocolates? What has non-vegetarian food got to do with a dog bite? Please explain. ADVERTISEMENT Answered by

There are no dietary restrictions following a dog bite and you can eat whatever you like to have.

Avoiding non-vegetarian foods, onion and garlic following a dog bite is a social taboo and a misconception. There is no scientific explanation to explain the relation between the pathogenesis of rabies and what we eat to the extent of my knowledge.

Also, let me share a few facts after dog bite:- A 10 days quarantine for the dog that has bitten is generally followed. If the dog during this period if develops any personality change like aggressiveness or excitability or dullness or any paralysis the dog should be humanly killed.

.. bleed? How deep is the wound? If the child is not immunized or if it is a bad infected wound, then Tetanus injection may be required. Revert back with the answers to the above questions to a paediatrician online –> .. … Read full

7 steps to treating a dog bite

If a dogbites you, take these steps right away:

  • Wash the wound. Use mild soap, and run warm tap water over it for five to 10 minutes.
  • Slow the bleeding with a clean cloth.
  • Apply over-the counter antibiotic cream if you have it.
  • Wrap the wound in a sterile bandage.
  • Keep the wound bandaged and see your doctor.
  • Change the bandage several times a day once your doctor has examined the wound.
  • Watch for signs of infection, including redness, swelling, increased pain and fever.
  • Your doctor will want to know more about the dog that bit you and how it happened. They will also likely clean the wound again, apply antibiotic ointment and prescribe antibiotics, such as Augmentin, if there’s an infection concern.

    After any bite, you should make sure you know when your last tetanus shot was — and that you’re up-to-date. While a tetanus immunization is good for 10 years, Dr. Sayles notes, your doctor may recommend a booster if the wound is dirty and it’s been more than five years since your last shot.

    Depending onthe wound, your doctor may also recommend stitches. Generally, though, dogwounds are left open to heal unless they are on the face or if they could leaveparticularly severe scars if left unsutured.

    What To Do When Dog Bites You | Animal Bite Treatment In Hindi | कुत्ते के काटने पर क्या करें?