What to spray dogs with to stop biting? Find Out Here

Why Do Puppies Bite So Much?

Nipping and biting is rooted in basic canine behavior and is purely instinctive – and tends to peak during the teething stage.

One of the ways that puppies establish their place in their doggy familys pecking order is by play biting.

If you watch a litter of puppies at play, youll see them mouthing and nipping at each other ALL the time.

The rolling around, squealing and growling is all part of the way they learn acceptable canine interaction.

If one of them bites too hard, another puppy will yelp and likely bite back harder…. lesson learned!

And watch what happens if one brave little puppy decides to try sharpening his teeth on his momma or another nearby adult. He gets told in no uncertain terms that this is NOT okay.

But although puppy biting is normal, and has an important role to play in puppy development, all puppies need to learn that they are not allowed to nip, mouth or bite humans – ever.

As pups mature that puppy biting is often an attempt to dominate other members of his family (remember the doggy family pecking order?).

If hes allowed to put his teeth on you – or any other person – he will begin to think that hes in charge.

Nipping might seem funny when Fidos tiny, but if hes allowed to be bossy and nippy, he wont be willing to renegotiate his position later on.

Luckily there are lots of very simple ways to do this and the most important part of training a puppy to stop biting is correcting him propery and consistently.

Verbal Correction + Loss of Attention

The simplest no-bite technique for puppies is to simply let him know it hurts and to withdraw your attention when he misbehaves in this way.

Every time little Fidos sharp little puppy teeth touch your skin say “OUCH” loudly.

This lets him know that his puppy biting hurts and may surprise him into stopping (at least temporarily).

Also, immediately stop interacting with him by breaking eye-contact and/or walking away.

Be sure to follow this procedure every single time he nips or bites and hell soon get the message.

All your puppy wants is to be with you and to have your attention so when he realizes that if he bites or nips youll stop playing with him hell stop.

Of course, be sure to praise him and love on him when he plays nicely without biting.

Its just as important to reward good behavior as it is to discourage the bad.

If your little guy is a bit stubborn or dominant, or if hes from one of the more mouthy breeds (such as German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Border Collies and many Terriers), you may need to be a touch more dominant yourself!

So, youll make your “OUCH” louder and more forceful and add the word “No!” Fido has no idea what the word means but your tone of voice will help him get the picture.

You can also try spraying your hands with one of those little minty breath-sprays – dogs and puppies usually hate the taste.

Bitter apple spray (available at pet stores) works in the same way as the breath spray.

Both of these products can dry out, or irritate your skin though, so wearing a pair of thick cotton gloves that are liberally sprayed with either nasty-tasting substance can be a good idea.

Teaching Your Puppy Not To Bite

So, how exactly do you stop all that puppy biting?

Ive raised more than my share of puppies of all different sizes and breeds, and have found that there are several different puppy biting corrections that are simple and effective.

Not all of them will work with every puppy, a lot on your individual puppys temperament, his breed, how old he is and how persistent or stubborn he is about nipping.

Its best to start out using the easiest and least confrontational method first, and to be consistent with it for at least 2 weeks before you decide whether or not you need to try a less subtle approach.

Being consistent is hugely important. All members of the family need to be on the same page and to use the same correction technique every single time your puppy nips or bites.

Its also important not to expect instant results!

All puppy training takes time because puppies learn through repetition and by associating cause-with-effect (ie I bite momma and she wont play with me anymore…. hmmm, maybe Id better not bite her!).

This is why its so important to be consistent and to give Fido the time to make the connection between his behavior and your reaction.

These techniques DO work and all you need to do is find the right fit for your puppys personality and stick with it.

Homemade Bitter Apple Spray for Dogs