What whipped cream is safe for dogs? Tips and Tricks

Is Whipped Cream Good For Dogs

No, whipped cream is not really good for dogs. The only healthy thing about whipped cream is that milk does have calcium in it which can be beneficial for a dog’s bones.

There are not enough nutrients in whipped cream to say that it is a healthy treat for dogs.

What Kind of Whipped Cream is Best for Dogs?

What whipped cream is safe for dogs?

If you’re shopping specifically for your dogs, then go for vegan, coconut, oat, or sugar-free whipped cream! All of these varieties are low in the dairy department, so they’ll pose a smaller risk to your pup’s digestive system.

Another key thing to keep an eye on when you’re shopping for your pup’s whipped cream is the ingredients list. Never give a dog a product that includes xylitol! This artificial sweetener is incredibly toxic to pooches, even in small quantities, and it can be found in various products, including gum and whipped cream.

Nut-based whipped creams should be avoided, as they may cause digestive problems. Almonds, one of the most popular substitutes for dairy in whipped cream, cannot be properly digested by dogs. A variety of sources (such as the American Kennel Club, Hill’s pet food, and some academic publications) list nuts, including almonds, as a cause of major intestinal upset in dogs.

If you have a picky dog, try making them chicken flavored whipped cream for dogs! Featuring savory chicken broth, chicken whipped cream lets your picky dog enjoy the fun of a puppaccino while still enjoying the flavor of their treat.

Can Whipped Cream Be Bad for Dogs?

While there is nothing inherently toxic to dogs in whipped cream, that doesnt mean whipped cream or other dairy products necessarily agree with your particular pooch.

“Some dogs tolerate whipped cream and other dairy products just fine,” says Renee Schmid, DVM, DABVT, DABT, a veterinarian toxicologist who works with Pet Poison Helpline. “Other dogs, though, may develop vomiting, diarrhea, or gas.”

Thats right: Lactose intolerance is a thing in dogs, just like people. How do you know your dog is lactose intolerant? When you offer the dog enough whipped cream to upset their belly.

The biggest risks for dogs with whipped cream will be overdoing it. A regular dose of the fluffy stuff daily, or treats of any kind, can add too many calories to a well-balanced diet and put unhealthy extra pounds on your favorite pooch.

So, not a part of a balanced diet, but a little whipped cream is probably OK as an occasional treat.

Can Dogs Eat Whipped Cream

Sweet and creamy with a famously airy texture, whipped cream is a popular addition to desserts in almost any location.

But as you may know, foods that are perfectly fine for humans aren’t always a good treat for dogs — so is whipped cream safe for your dog to eat?

In short — yes, dogs can eat whipped cream. To feed them responsibly, however, there are a few rules you should follow.

Read on to learn what, if any, health benefits your dog may get from eating whipped cream, as well as the best ways to feed it to your four-legged friend.Divider 8