What worms make dogs lose weight? Expert Advice

Occasional & Less Serious Causes of Dog Weight Loss

While there are more serious illnesses that can result in canine weight loss, there are also common conditions that can cause the same effects. Most commonly, changes in your dog’s environment can alter his food intake. For example, changing your dog’s food or his exercise schedule can both cause weight loss in your dog. In addition, as your dog gets older, he may start to lose some weight naturally.

However, the important thing to recognize with these causes is that they should not be producing a significant amount of weight loss. In these instances, it should be an easy and painless process to get your dog to gain back the weight with just a few extra calories. However, if your dog has lost more than a few pounds, you may need to look into the more medical reasons for weight loss.

What is Weight Loss in Dogs?

Unhealthy weight loss in dogs is considered a sudden decrease in weight accompanied by weakness. Typically, if your dog is losing weight at an abnormal rate, unaccompanied by extreme physical activity, there is an underlying illness responsible. You’ll likely see other signs and symptoms, such as low energy levels, weakened immune systems, lethargy, and dull coats that grow in patches.

These signs and symptoms can be explained by a series of illnesses, some more serious than others, so you want to seek medical advice from your vet as soon as you notice your dog losing a significant amount of weight.

Are worms in dog poop an emergency?

In fact, what your dog’s poop looks like can tell you a lot about your pup’s overall health. And sometimes dog owners find worms in there. Don’t panic. While these parasites are harmful, they can be treated if you take your dog to the vet as soon as possible.

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