When Can male dog meet Puppies? Let’s Explore

When can I introduce a make dog to its puppies?

Firstly we must understand there is no exact date to present a male to his offspring. As every dog is a unique being, this optimal moment will depend on the development of each puppy and the reaction of the mother when you start to intrude on their postnatal safe space.

In general, dogs are more protective and closed off during the first 15 days after delivery. This represents the neonatal period where the puppies are considered ‘newborn’. During this stage the male dog must stay away completely and our own interaction must be as minimal as possible. We should only intervene if there is a threat to the well-being of mother or puppies.

After this initial period, the transition period begins. This will last until 20 or 21 days of the life of the offspring. During this phase, the puppies will begin to be active and have some curiosity about their new environment. The mother will still take care in terms of feeding and providing a hygienic environment. However, her behavior will be more serene and she will begin to accept new presences in her environment, including the puppys father.

After these 21 days or so post-delivery, the puppies will have already developed some mobility and begin their period of socialization. This is a key stage in any puppys development. They begin to recognize themselves as individuals in their own species as well as in their social context. The mother will play an important part in orientating their young during this period of discovery. They will present them with good habits and demonstrate the basics of canine body language and healthy coexistence with others.

It is at this point you can start to introduce the male to the puppies. But this interaction must always be gradual and progressive since this is a new reality for both the father and the young. It is essential that human guardians monitor and control the first contact of the male dog with the puppies. This is to avoid any rough interactions as well as to avoid any conflict with the mother. It is also essential that the male is healthy and free from disease. Vaccination schedules need to be adhered to and parasitic deworming treatments need to be up to date. This is to avoid contamination of the vulnerable newborns as well as reducing the likelihood of developmental problems.

When Can male dog meet Puppies?

Do Male Dogs Know Their Puppies

A quick answer to this complex question is that male dogs do not really recognize their puppies. However, it is difficult to conclude this fully. Male dogs are able to understand that a litter is now part of the household. They are also able to recognize that a litter belongs to a particular female. It is also fair to conclude that most adult male dogs understand that these are puppies and not fully grown dogs, so many will treat these puppies with much more care and patience. However, there is no direct proof that a male dog will recognize his own puppies.

Although it is impossible to definitively conclude that a male dog does not recognize a litter of puppies as their own, it is generally considered that they do not. Male dogs will be introduced to the puppies and learn about them as new members of the household. For them, they have not had the development of hormones as the puppy grows as the mother has. Their association towards the puppies is not directly genetic, but instead, that of a new playmate or friend to cuddle. Their opinion of the puppies is simply that of a new little friend and they do not realize that they are the parent of them.

Can you touch a newborn puppy?

Once the puppies are about three weeks old, they will begin to move around on their own. This is when you can begin to pet them and interact with them more. You should only touch or pick up a newborn puppy if you observe that it is sick, if the mother abandons it, or in the case of orphaned puppies.


For anyone interested in dog breeding, it is important to first seek the advice of a veterinarian that can give you advice and insight into your pets health along the way. At South Mountain Canine Reproduction and Pet Care in Draper, we can provide insight and advice on canine reproduction.