When do puppies get dewormed? A Comprehensive Guide

How are dewormings performed on a puppy?

Worms may sound like a complicated pest to beat, but they’re actually easy to get rid of. Your licensed veterinarian will talk to you about different treatment options. Most of the time, puppy deworming medications come in tablets, chewable forms, or even as topical medicine. During a physical exam, your puppy’s weight, height, and breed size will be assessed before a prescription is ordered. While there are countless over-the-counter dewormers available in stores and online, it is always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian. Through consultation, they can establish an effective deworming schedule and review any possible issues.

Symptoms And More Of Specific Parasites

Some puppy parasites are large enough to see and can be found in the feces or on the areas around the anus. I would say the most common is the tapeworm. Tapeworms are made up of segments (proglottids) where their eggs are contained. They shed these segments in the stool, and many puppy owners see these segments in the stool, on their puppy’s fur or on the ground. They look like small maggots or cooked rice grains that move — YUCK!

Even if you see parasites in your puppy’s stool, a veterinarian should still examine him to determine exactly what is infecting your puppy. Choosing the treatment, knowing if the parasite is a danger to you, other pets or your family, and the need for environmental/home cleaning all depend on the type of parasite causing the infection.

Have you ever been asked by your veterinarian to “bring in a stool sample”? Well, that’s what we examine to search for parasite eggs and microscopic parasites. This is the most common method to diagnose roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and coccidia. Other parasites, namely whipworms and Toxoplasma, don’t shed their eggs routinely in the stool. There are other tests of the blood and serum for those parasites whose eggs are not readily found in feces; these are mostly used for Giardia.

What are the symptoms of worms in puppies?

Not all infected puppies will show obvious symptoms of worm infestation, which is following a consistent deworming schedule is essential to rid the parasite in each of its life cycles. Of the puppies with worm symptoms, some of the most common clinical signs include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Weakness and listlessness
  • Stunted growth
  • Dull coat
  • Potbellied appearance
  • Stool that contains worms, blood, or mucus
  • Coughing (in the case of severe roundworm infection and, less commonly, lungworm infection)
  • Many of these symptoms can indicate other health problems like parvo in puppies (with the exception of worms in poop), so you should always consult your veterinarian if you notice any red flags.

    Puppy Care : When to Worm Newborn Puppies

    Have you ever watched some of those veterinary shows on the Animal Planet network? My son, who is 8, loves the show called “Monsters Inside Me,” which focuses on people who get infections, notably those caused by parasites. During an episode, he asked me if animals get parasites like people, and I replied, “Well, of course and a matter of fact, many animals harbor parasites that can then get transmitted to other animals and people.”

    The fact that a TV series can focus on parasitic infections exemplifies their importance and interest to veterinarians and medical doctors. You may have heard the term “deworm” which is, basically, treating for parasites using drugs called anthelmintics. Given the term deworm, people seem to mainly think about worms, but a couple of other categories of parasites are worth mentioning.

    Only a few of these parasites can be easily seen: tapeworms, whipworms and roundworms. The rest are microscopic, and they are identified in body fluids, primarily in the feces. So, if your puppy has diarrhea but you don’t see any “worms” that doesn’t mean parasites are not the cause! The most important being roundworms, hookworms, coccidia and tapeworms.