When should I bathe my Shih Tzu puppy? Expert Advice

Getting a Shih-Tzu Puppy Used to Bathing

When should I bathe my Shih Tzu puppy?

Dog grooming at home is not that hard and will minimize that number of trips youll need to make to a professional.If your shih tzu puppy has never had a bath before, you will need to get them acclimated to bathing. For example, you can bring your puppy into the bathroom and just let them hear the water running. You can have them hear the blow dryer turning on and off, as well.

Puppy grooming is not very challenging if you take your time to learn the basics and gradually introduce your dog to bathing. Slowly get your puppy closer to the water, letting them get used to it, before putting them fully into the water. You should slowly move the blow dryer near your puppy, as well. This will reduce their fear of bath time. While you are playing with your shih tzu, you can also touch their ears and paws to get them used to what you will be doing during their bath time.

When should I bathe my Shih Tzu puppy?

Since mini shih tzu and shih tzus in general are smaller in size, you can either use the bathtub or the sink to bathe them. You should put a towel in the bottom of the tub or the sink to prevent your puppy from falling or slipping during their bath. Make sure you have all your bathing supplies in one area, so you don’t have to turn your back on your dog. It might be helpful to also place a chew toy in the bathing area with your shih tzu. This could help them to stay entertained while they are getting a bath.

After you have finished bathing your shih-tzu and drying them off, you should comb through their coat. After you have finished doing that, you can apply the leave-in conditioner to their coat, as well. Once you have done this, you should carefully clean out your shih-tzu’s ears. You could also take this time to trim up his or her nails. This is everything you need to know about bathing your shih-tzu. Shih tzu colors are beautiful, even more so when theyre clean and nicely groomed. Now, bath time for your shih-tzu can go much smoother and you can keep their coat smoother and healthier, too.

How Often Should You Bathe A Shih Tzu? In general, you don’t need to bathe your Shih Tzu all that often, you should give your Shih Tzu a bath every 3 to 4 weeks. Puppies need bathing more often and her is why.

This is beneficial if you live in a hot state like Florida, where temperatures can get high, especially in the summer. It’s also good for protection against the wind.

There’s a debate on how often you should bathe your puppy but it’s entirely up to you when you want to do it. Maybe once a week, once every couple of weeks, but really when they’re dirty. The shampoo you use is meant for puppies so it won’t be too harsh and it shouldn’t strip the oils from the coat.

If the knots are really bad, and you cant remove them with a comb then there are detangling sprays you can buy from places like Amazon. They will help you work through these tough knots in their fur.

Although it is recommended to give your Shih Tzu a bath every three to four weeks, a Shih Tzu puppies may need bathing more often as they tend to soil themselves when they go to the toilet.

At What Age Can You Bathe A Shih Tzu Puppy/When Can You Give A Shih Tzu Its First Bath?

The earliest time you should be able to bathe your Shih Tzu puppy is when they are around six weeks old. However, it is important to note that it is more ideal to wait until your puppy is three months old; as this is the time when they are better able to regulate their own body temperature.

Just remember to make sure that the bath water temperature and room temperature are warm enough so the puppy does not get a chill.

How to Bath and Dry a Puppy | #ShihTzu #puppy