When should puppies double their birth weight? Simple and Effective Tips

How Much Should A Newborn Golden Retriever Puppy Weigh?

I’m going to make an assumption that we’re talking about a puppy at birth.

We weighed all 24 of our Golden Retriever puppies the day they were born and there was a decent gap between our heaviest and lightest puppy.

As I noted earlier each litter had a different sire and Raven is a Golden Retriever which are a larger dog breed.

Question: How much should a newborn Golden Retriever puppy weigh?

Answer: In our first litter the average newborn puppy weighed just over 1 pound (16 ounces). However, out of 3 litters (24 puppies) our largest puppy at birth was 17 ounces and the smallest was 10.5 ounces.

At 8 weeks old our largest puppy was from the first litter at 16 pounds 5 ounces.

At 8 weeks old our smallest puppy came from the third litter at 8 pounds 8 ounces. And everything in between.

That is a huge difference! The largest is nearly twice the size of the smallest!

One thing to note: We had litters of 6, 8, and 10 puppies. The larger the litter the smaller the puppies were at birth and through their first eight weeks.

This is the newborn puppy weight chart from our first litter of Golden Retriever puppies. There were 6 puppies in the litter and the puppies from litter #1 were larger then the puppies from litters #2 and #3.

Each puppy wore a different color collar represented by the header in the first row in our table. The puppy weights were measured in pounds and ounces.

Example: Day 1, Black Collar Puppy = 1:1 = 1 pound, 1 ounce

Without further adieu:

Raven’s 1st Litter – Puppy Weight Chart

We put together 2 printable PDF documents in our Resource Library. One has the Puppy Weight Chart below in printable PDF.

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I put together a second blank Puppy Weight Chart PDF that you can print and fill out if you’re going to have a litter of puppies.

Raven’s 1st Litter (Veterans) – Puppy Weight Chart

Day Green Black Red Blue Pink Brown
Week 1
1 1:0.5 1:1 1:0 1:0 1:0 1:0.5
2 1:2 1:4 1:2 1:2 1:3 1:2
3 1:5 1:6 1:3 1:4.5 1:3 1:4
4 1:7 1:9 1:5 1:7 1:5 1:6
5 1:10 1:11.5 1:8.5 1:10 1:8.5 1:7.5
6 1:11.5 1:14.5 1:10.5 1:13 1:10.5 1:10
7 1:13 2:1 1:13.5 1:15.5 1:12.5 1:13.5
Week 2
8 1:12.5 2:2 1:15 2:2 1:13.5 1:14.5
9 1:13.5 2:4 2:0 2:3.5 1:14.5 1:15
10 1:15 2:6 2:0.5 2:3.5 2:0.5 2:1.5
11 2:0 2:8.5 2:3.5 2:7.5 2:3.5 2:3.5
12 2:2.5 2:10.5 2:5 2:9 2:4 2:5
13 2:5.5 2:12.5 2:6.5 2:12.5 2:6.5 2:6.5
14 2:7.5 2:15.5 2:9.5 2:15 2:10.5 2:7.5
Week 3
15 2:11.5 3:1.5 2:11 3:1 2:11.5 2:10.5
16 2:14.5 3:3.5 2:13.5 3:4.5 2:13 3:0
17 3:2 3:6 2:14 3:5.5 3:3 2:14
18 3:2.5 3:8 3:1 3:7.5 3:7.5 3:0
19 3:4 3:10 3:2 3:10.5 3:8.5 3:3
20 3:6.5 3:12 3:4 3:12.5 3:12 3:7.5
21 3:10 4:0 3:6.5 4:1 3:15.5 3:10
Week 4
22 3:12.5 4:2.5 3:8 4:4 4:3.5 3:13
23 3:13.5 4:4 3:9 4:6 4:3 3:14
24 4:0.5 4:5.5 3:11.5 4:8.5 4:3.5 4:0.5
25 4:5 4:10 3:15 4:11 4:6.5 4:4
26 4:8 4:13 4:0.5 4:14 4:9.5 4:7.5
27 4:10 4:15 4:4 5:0 4:12.5 4:10
28 4:12.5 5:1 4:6 5:3 4:14.5 4:12
Week 5
29 4:15 5:4.5 4:9 5:7 5:1.5 5:0.5
30 5:2 5:7.5 4:12 5:9.5 5:3 5:3
31 5:4.5 5:10 4:14.5 5:12 5:6.5 5:7
32 5:12 6:3 5:6 6:4 5:14 5:15
33 5:13 6:1.5 5:7 6:4 6:0.5 5:15
34 6:3 6:7.5 5:12.5 6:10.5 6:5 6:4
35 6:10 6:15 6:3.5 7:3.5 6:12 6:12
Week 6
36 6:15 7:5 6:9 7:12 7:0 7:15
37 7:5.5 8:0.5 7:1 8:8.5 7:8 7:11
38 7:9 8:3 7:3 8:11 7:10 7:15
39 7:10.5 8:9 7:7 8:13.5 7:15 8:1
40 7:15 8:13 7:11 9:6 8:4.5 8:7
41 8:6 9:8.5 8:1.5 9:15 8:13 9:1
42 8:9 9:9 8:5 10:1 9:0 9:4
Week 7
43 8:15.5 10:1 8:13 10:9 9:4 9:11
44 9:1 10:7 9:2 11:1 9:11 9:14
45 9:8 11:2 9:8 11:10 10:5 10:12
46 9:12 11:5 9:14 12:2 10:9 10:15
47 10:6 12:1 10:4 12:11 10:14 11:5
48 10:9 12:5 10:7 13:2 11:5 11:8
49 10:12 12:8 11:0 13:6 11:11 12:0
Week 8
50 10:15 12:12 11:1 13:9 11:11 12:4
51 11:7 13:9 11:9 14:6 12:5 12:13
52 11:11 13:12 11:12 14:10 12:9 13:5
53 12:1 14:4 12:4 15:3 13:0 13:14
54 12:10 14:8 12:7 15:8 13:5 13:15
55 13:4 14:13 13:7 15:14 13:11 14:7
56 13:11 15:6 13:8 16:5 14:2 14:12

Don’t forget if you’d like our printable Puppy Weight Chart PDFs then visit our Resource Library.

When weighing your puppies try to be as consistent as possible. If you’re not consistent with your weighings then you will notice a lot more fluctuation in your puppy weight chart.

  • Weigh your puppies the same time every day.
  • Weigh your puppies right after feedings. We prefer doing it this way because puppies are usually more docile and easier to weigh. Also, you’ll see a lot of fluctuation in weights if some days you weigh before feedings and some days after.
  • Be consistent with your weighings and it will be much easier to analyze your puppy weight chart.

    What about the mother?  When and how do I increase her food and with what?

    You should have increased your females food during the last two or three weeks of pregnancy.birth_to_weaning_puppies_feeding_1

    After whelping, food requirements increase further as the mother produces more milk for her growing puppies. Maximum milk production occurs approximately three weeks after whelping and at this time, it is not unusual for the mother to be eating three to four times her normal maintenance diet depending on the size of her litter, breed, and her physical condition.

    The importance of weighing newborn puppies daily‼️#BreedersHacks‼️