Where is the best place to put your dog’s crate? Simple and Effective Tips

A high-traffic area is best for social pups

Considering these facts, the best place to put your preferred dog crate in should be in an area that is considered busy. This area will help your dog feel the vibe of the household, and it will make him or her feel like a real member of the family.

Maybe you have had a dog for a while and believe a crate will be more beneficial, or maybe you are still crate-training your new puppy. Maybe you are training your dog to feel comfortable with the crate, or maybe you just want your dog to relax in there. Whatever it is, the best choice is always in a busy area in or near the home. This will enable your dog to see all the activities going on in the household. It will make them feel included in the family. Hiding the crate away in a basement or laundry room, for instance, is completely unfair, as your dog will be excluded from all activities carried out in the home.

The precise location for placing your dog crate varies from one house to another. For some, it can be in the living room, and for others, it can be in the kitchen or any other busy place. Make sure your dog crate is located in a place where activities in the house are visible.

Where to put a dog crate in your home

Dogs are known for being very social animals — they love being close to their owners. In fact, dogs are considered a part of the family’s daily life. Thus, your crate must give your pooch a positive experience instead of a traumatic, negative one.

Where Should I Put My Puppy’s Crate at Night?

Your puppy’s crate should always be in your bedroom at night.

Feeling lonely is scary enough for them, but it’s terrifying when they’re alone in the dark.

They’ll sleep much better knowing that you’re just beyond their crate.

Dog House Training – Where To Put The Dog Crate

Place your new dog crate in the area of the house that you have chosen for your puppy’s resting area. Make sure you choose a spot where he or she can still feel a part of the family, rather than feeling as if theyre in the doggy slammer. Bearing this in mind, its also important to avoid putting the crate in a place that gets a lot of foot traffic. The kitchen is usually the best choice, as its where people tend to gather in the house.

Avoid placing the crate in an isolated area of your house, as the worst thing you can do is make your new dog feel alienated or separated from their new family!