Where did the phrase ‘a dog is a man’s best friend’ come from?
It is claimed that the first time the phrase ‘man’s best friend’ was used, was in 1789 by King Frederick of Prussia.
“The only, absolute and best friend that a man has, in this selfish world, the only one that will not betray or deny him, is his DOG.”
He was talking about his Italian Greyhound when he used this phrase.
It was also used in a poem by Ogden Nash titled ‘An Introduction to Dogs.’ Here is the paragraph in which it is mentioned, right at the beginning of the poem.
‘The dog is mans best friend.
He has a tail on one end.
Up in front he has teeth.
And four legs underneath.’
Since then the phrase has been repeated, so much so that it has stuck in our minds and in our hearts.
These days, whenever you think of dogs, this saying comes to mind and it brings a feeling of great affection – especially to those who own a dog.
The animals that accepted this relationship evolved into more and more obedient companions until, many generations later, we had domesticated dogs and their feral gray wolf forbears died out.
Dogs are not only man’s best friend; they are also his oldest one. Although historians agree that dogs were the first domesticated animal, there is debate on how long ago and where the friendship began.
Based on DNA evidence, most researchers believe that the furry, warm-nosed companion beside you descended from a group of gray wolves that has since became extinct. Those canny canines figured out that if they hung with early hunter-gatherers rather than going it alone, they could live off what they could scavenge from the humans.
And there was a pay-off when man and tame wolf became a dynamic hunting duo. Humans’ skills and savvy combined with wolves’ speed and sense of smell turned them into complementary partners who tracked, captured and devoured prey to their mutual benefit.
Humans offered wolves a reliable food source; tame wolves provided physical warmth and acted as early warning sentries when strangers or predators approached.
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Man’s Best Friend | National Geographic
To put it simply, dogs are awesome. Whether they’re begging for your food, barking at their leash to convince you to take them on a walk, or simply greeting you when you get home, dogs do all of the little things that put smiles on faces around the world. What are some of the more endearing reasons why dogs are and always will be man’s best friend? Read on…